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Baskin Robbins is not fast food.
It’s ice cream.
Who the heck is YouGov
I agree… Never though an Ice Cream Parlor & such as fast food…. Like a candy store; SEES’ isn’t fast food, but love the SEES’.
Those were exactly my first thoughts.
Gov making its own rules to fit its agenda. Thus, ice cream is fast food. And you better eat it fast before it melts.
that’s because Baskin Robbins believes in a flavor for every gender.
I love their chocolate chip ice cream burger, and the sherbet tacos!
Ok sure. In N Out lost to an ice cream shop. Do you even hear yourself yougov? These must be the same pollsters who do politics. Not a chance in the world, unless of course they polled 31 flavors management only. Fake news
forced to make a decision…. Gotta go with Rubio’s…. But may have different answer tomorrow….
Rubio’s in PH went out of business…. it’s another chicken place now
My kitchen is my favorite fast food place. it’s the cheapest too. 😁
… somethings not right with this “poll” … YouGov funded by Baskins-Robbins?
I haven’t eaten fast food in over 10 years, and even then, it was maybe once or twice a year. The last time I had fast food was at In-N-Out. What I liked about In-N-Out is they will prepare your food anyway you ask. I had a triple burger, coked medium rare, that was overflowing with a grilled onion, and grilled cheese, and it was pretty darn good.
It might be because In and Out is a Christian owned establishment. They put Bible verses on their wrappers. I for one prefer a seration of Church and Shake.
That plus they told Oakland to kick rocks but can you blame them?
what moron did this survey, what a waste of time. Maybe they shoudnt have Woke up…
Lol Baskin Robbins. Ok. Who voted on that Scott Wiener?
And just where do you find a Baskin Robbins, without using Google
I think there’s one in Martinez across the street from Petco, up from the Home Depot. For those 9000 calorie milkshake days.
Baskin Robbins on the corner of Morello Ave and Arnold is closed, no idea for how long. The building had an electrical fire last August. There was some work done shortly after but haven’t seen anything but boarded up businesses – jewelry, dental, BofA ATM kiosk and Baskin Robbins. No idea what the problem is.
Really?!? Come on Baskin and Robbins is not a fast food joint. For goodness sake that is just silly.
The koran from the Ant-Man movie thinks differently!
Maybe one of the 31 flavors is cheeseburger & onions ice cream on a fried potato cone.
In-N-Out… in safer places than the hell hole known as Oakland.
The only good thing about Oakland is that it has a major airport. That’s is all.
Lol In and Out is exactly what the name is! People who wait for their food are clueless just like California! Oh wait….
Baskin Robbins has no drive thru therefore cannot be fast food, you have to talk into their store to buy.
Fake News.
One year Karen Carpenter beat John Bonham as Drummer of the Year. This makes about as much sense.
Actually im a huge Zeppelin fan but Karen Carpenter was pretty darn good
Karen had the voice of an angel, but for raw talent on the drums, nobody can beat Buddy Rich.
Did Gene Krupa took second place? You be the judge.
@DAWG….I saw Buddy Rich about 1970 at DVC on a field trip with music teacher Jim Durflinger and the Stage Band. I had seen him on Johnny Carson a few times but nothing like a live show. We got to visit his band warming up before the show in the locker room. Durflinger hustled is out pretty quickly as the band was warming up there heads as much as their instruments. Lots of empty Oly cans laying around and doobies being consumed. It was quite the show, Buddy Rich kicked ass. Toss up between Rich and Krupa.
Louie Bellson; no bout adoubt it
Foster’s Freezed. Or perhaps Sweet Home Alabamas 😀
Hands Down Noooo questions!! In & Out Burger!!
Not only is it not “fast food” in the sense of an actual meal, how many times do you see a line of 10 cars and 50 people inside a B&R. No offense to ice cream.
*This survey funded by Baskin-Robbins
Speaking of Baskin-Robbins, anyone know why the one in Martinez on Morello is boarded up (and has been for months)?
I posted before I saw your question. Electrical fire August 2023 but I have no clue why all boarded up and whole bldg fenced off. Haven’t seen any construction anytime I’ve driven by which is least once a week during business hours. Strange.
Five Guys tops all
Hazel’s in Antioch
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