Home » UPDATE: Walnut Creek Police Release Information On Saturday Night’s Civil Unrest Near City Hall

UPDATE: Walnut Creek Police Release Information On Saturday Night’s Civil Unrest Near City Hall


The Walnut Creek Police Department (WCPD) has released more information on the civil unrest in downtown Walnut Creek on Saturday night.

The following information is from the WCPD:

A group that is calling itself “East Bay Resistance” invited people to participate in what they described as a “No Justice, No Peace” protest on the evening of November 14, 2020, at 7:00 p.m.


Unlike most peaceful protests, information regarding the route and number of participants was not shared with the Police Department.

At about 7:00 p.m., officers saw multiple groups of people arrive with sticks and signs, and wearing helmets, dark clothing and masks.

Some of the participants were wearing ballistic-type vests.

The group grew to approximately 80 people as they marched downtown.


Several members of the group spray-painted anti-law enforcement rhetoric on buildings, signs and sidewalks throughout downtown.

They blocked vehicles in the roadway, set a flag on fire in the middle of the street, and ultimately converged on the restaurant “Bourbon Highway” at the corner of North Main and Civic Drive.

It was at this location that an altercation broke out and a bar patron was pushed to the ground.

The group surrounded patrons dining outside, yelling at them and intimidating them. When Bourbon Highway staff tried to get them to leave, at least one protestor assaulted staff and patrons with pepper spray.


Although no arrests were made during the event, Walnut Creek PD is committed to holding people accountable for criminal behavior.

To this end, we are seeking information that would lead to the identification of any suspects involved in the assaults, incidents of vandalism or any other criminal behavior. The suspect depicted above was carrying a pink/blue/white flag, a bullhorn, and was associated with a gray minivan.

This person is a suspect in at least two acts of vandalism.

If you have information related to this person or to any of these crimes, we would like to talk to you.


The Walnut Creek Police Department believes strongly in the right to peacefully protest. We also believe strongly that this right should not infringe on the rights of others or their ability to patronize downtown businesses without being verbally or physically attacked.

If you have any information regarding this incident, please contact Detective Bryan Duncan at 925-943-5875.

RELATED STORY w/VIDEO: People Burning Flags, Spray Painting Businesses, Harassing Customers In Downtown Walnut Creek

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Does pouring a still flaming medium onto someone’s person count as battery, assault with a deadly weapon, or attempted murder? Because that’s what that poor man had happen to him.

Does pushing someone aggressively and repeatedly onto the pavement, seemingly in an effort to crack their skull, count as assault wiht a deadly weapon, or attempted murder?

If these actions are undertaken for political reasons, as seems to be the case here, will the perpetrator be charged with terrorism?

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PD Disoatch said they were keeping an eye out! ;(

I’ll tell you where they were…those not cowering inside, were busy harassing nearby restaurant owners trying to make a living and provide some joy through live music.

I think the Walnut Creek City leaders, who become very progressively liberal in the last couple years, has restrained the police department from doing their duty.
Bad move at the quality of life and shopping and diamond Walnut Creek has really sunk recently. Many people do need to stay away from that town now.

[I’d have a lot more respect for the local pd’s If they would protect our citizens more.. Or at least not hold us accountable when we protect ourselves.. These terrorists aren’t afraid of anybody, even the police.

Anyone with information contact the PD? 5 seconds on google gives you a FB page with contact information, a URL to their website, et al. The blue/pink/white flag is a transgender flag – also easily found on google, actually, it’s on their home page.

Really, it’s no effort at all.

Despicable. For all of you that don’t like Trump, learn the lesson: give in to hate and you too will start justifying awful acts of violence against other people. Nothing good comes from this kind of behavior. I pray for justice for those assaulted. If justice is what these protesters want, they should turn themselves in.

Mikado: Excellent response. President Trump is the personification of Character. POTUS has been slandered, dragged into the cesspool. All the while he has been fighting to keep the Constitution in tact. Serious damage to Law and Order, voter fraud and outright treason are implemented in order to steal this election. Why? To cover up the crimes of Hillary, Obama, the FBI. Even members of the Pentagon were in on it.

If you are sick of this going on downtown, contact Council members and City Manager: Loella Haskew, Dan Buckshi, and Kevin Wilke. Here is their number! (925) 943-5899

They don’t answer the phone., Bill…. closed due to Covid-19 or always out to lunch on taxpayers dime!.

The city of Walnut Creek is going to turn into a Berkeley Sh*t hole. Great.

Except it is not ‘going to’, it already has.

I read that these animals were witnessed getting dressed and ready in ‘Petco” South California Blvd., parking lot. before the Protest. If true, Are there cameras in that lot?

Funny, I saw about ten people behind the Petco, almost called it in.


Firstly, they were NOT protestors, they were RIOTERS. And, maybe it is time to show these children that they need to be taught the word “NO”. Stop their temper tantrum with force and violence; The Public needs to show these children what their parents never did: The consequences for their actions.

The New Normal, you get what you Vote for … where’s Becton in all this ?

In 1968, then Governor Ronald Reagan called out the National Guard to quell Berkeley riots in and around the UC campus. Rioters were eventually tear gassed when they failed orders to dispurse. His actions brought days of disorder and civil unrest to an end, but not before businesses surrounding the campus were repeatedly vandalized and destroyed leading up to the confrontation. Is this what you want in Walnut Creek? Then, you better put an end to it now.

The police were there but didn’t do anything . Now they want information so they can make an arrest? So they watched them act like this, let them leave. We are so screwed up. This will only become normal.

“although no arrests were made”

Here’s your sign, Walnut Creek PD…

After reading this (and other news stories) about this incident, I find it shocking and troubling that no arrests were made when clearly there was illegal activity.

How much longer are Claycord Democrats and Biden voters willing to put up with this? The rest of us are sick of it.

It’s not a coincidence they show up on the last Saturday that restaurants are truly open, and were there months back, about 5 minutes before they opened, forcing them to board up.

These people are not productive members of society, and need to be held to the same standards as the rest of us. Instigators, and a bunch of punk kids with skateboards trying to look tough. Walnut Creek police, hello?

Being able to gather a violent mob and move throughout the downtown would not be tolerated from any other segment of society, if the cops aren’t going to take care of it, the rest of us are being left with little choice but to defend ourselves.

I’m just amazed that any local politicians care more about their jobs and playing the game than they do speaking up. Tough times, I know, if you aren’t fit for the job, get the hell off the city council.


@ Mitch – this has nothing to do with politics, if it did blame Trump, he’s our president, right? I’m not blaming him, I’m simply trying to make a point. I wish you and others would stop this nonsense.

If you want to end all the nonsense that goes on and Walnut Creek get rid of the BART station that is their main source of transportation in and out the police know it but don’t care it’s unfortunate that a city such as Walnut Creek has turned into San Francisco or Berkeley or Oakland pick one these liberal social justice warriors are going to get someone killed enforce the laws that are on the books prosecute these people people need to stand up for themselves the police are not going to help you grab your fork and stick someone in the neck if you have to you do not have to be a victim of violence protect yourself good luck to you folks

What a shame. Walnut Creek used to be a nice city. How long before businesses will leave? I sure wouldn’t pay those kinds of rent and be subject to that.. What are the Mayor and city council thinking? The police, asking for information after the fact, when they should have been right there stopping it and making arrests! Are they trying to turn Walnut Creek into a mini Portland? If so, I’ve heard parts of that city in now a hell hole.

All of this makes more sense if you consider that you are the enemy and that the police exist to protect criminals from you.

I wasn’t there to witness first hand, but from the description of the time line it sounds like the WCPD watch commander made a deliberate decision to “stand back and stand by”. When a restaurant was attacked by a violent mob, they twiddled their thumbs. At some point, an police ineffectual response becomes an enabling police response. I’m not a Walnut Creek resident, but I’m thinking they probably need a new police chief.

They do have a new one, the old one quit is discust some months ago.

WCPD won’t arrest anyone yet they seek identy of them to prosecute them.
For whatever reasons WCPD does NOT protect and serve, they are useless bystanders and corrupted by whomever is ordering them to stand down and just watch while this crap continues

To WCPD why do you even come to work? You officers are useless against these civil disobedient protesters. WCPD grow some balls and do your job!

I no longer support our WCPD as they are clueless in their job to protect and serve and I’ll be flipping the bird to then anytime I see them on the street.

Bourbon Highway is ACROSS THE STREET FROM THE POLICE DEPARTMENT! What are you doing!? If these antifa idiots are allowed to do this so brazenly why do you expect it to stop and not continue to escalate? Who is telling the police to stand down? Serve and protect. That is the job. I just cut a monster property tax check for the pleasure of living in a city that doesn’t protect its citizens, turns its back on its local businesses and offers no security to people who come to visit and support the economy. I’ll be expecting my refund will be in the mail.

Wait but Biden won the election shouldn’t the riots have stopped I mean the peaceful protesting?

… why weren’t they stopped?

The big unanswered question from the “Police” department is, WHERE WERE THEY?

No arrests? Unbelievable!

It’s too dangerous to go shopping or dining in Walnut Creek any more. Concord, frowned upon by Walnut Creek’s elite, is looking better every day.

If the rioters feel like they are invincible, then don’t they let everyone know where they plan to riot next? That way those that are sick of that pathetic behavior can counter protest.
Just remember, us counter protestors are not held to the same rules as the police. I have a sneaking suspicion that some of us wouldn’t stand down like the mayor and city council wanted.
You sad little “peaceful protestors” are only rallying more and more people against you. Who will you call when you get punched?

This response makes me so angry!
They come in days later with “if anyone has information we want to talk to you.”
Are you kidding me??
Hey pathetic leadership, WHERE WERE YOU when the crime BEGAN??? That’s what your Police Department is for! Let Police do their jobs PROTECTING the city and the peaceful people of Walnut Creek!
All leadership in this town is good for nothing. You should all be ashamed of yourselves!

It’s a bit disturbing that this happened across the street from WC police station…..and stop with the politics, these morons obviously have nothing to do with ANY political party.

@ k Smith
It has everything to do with the Democratic Party. You can deny it all you want. This Democratic Party has empowered these people by standing by and letting it happen. Just look at Harris’s tweets, look at democratic run cities refusing help from the president. Trump has openly offered to stop the violence in Chicago, Seattle and Portland.

So you can deny it all you want. I bet all those knuckleheads voted for weak joe.
K.smith you are clueless.

.Smith Haha you’re kidding right? You clearly aren’t really paying attention

The city has taken the teeth out of the police.

So now we at least know who the specific biden terrorists are:


I think everyone who cares about what these punks are up to should sign up. Get on the inside. At the very minimum, law enforcement can be warned ahead of time next time. And maybe we can interrupt their little Petco play date before they “hit the streets”

Too bad these events aren’t publicly announced before they occur.
I’m sure some of us “flexibly peaceful” conservatives would be there to show them the error of their ways.

let the rich leftist white people turn their city to crap. they need a dose of reality

I’m their huckleberry.



Some of you people are blind with hatred because you lost an election, get over it and stop blaming Biden or Democrats, these are NOT peaceful protestors, they are criminals, there’s a difference, get it?!

Hey KAREN can you please stop whining and snow-flaking about your political party getting shafted here!
Democrats are destructive. They always have been! From the kkk to antifa. Your team is always embracing this.


Nice cherry pick, one article. Hillary conceded the day after and we’re almost two weeks after the election and this morning Trump’s still tweeting that he won the election. You should take a lesson from the Bible and read about the anti christ, because there’s someone in the white house (for now) who fits the description pretty well.

Well what else could Hillary do? The Dem’s didn’t think they needed to cheat too much in that election, she was supposed to win in a landslide victory.
Democrats learned their lesson and went overboard cheating in 2020
but I wouldn’t worry to much if I was a zombie Democrat…..

Justice just doesn’t get done in the USA anymore….
crooked candidates skate, corrupt FBI agents aren’t indicted,voter fraud is ignored, evidence is lost or destroyed, lie to Congress… no problem, lie to the FISA Court… nobody cares.

Backstabbers abound and the swamp fills faster than it drains.

The election was not lost it was stolen.

I am very glad to see I am not the only person who is sick and tired of this type of behavior that law abiding citizens must daily put up with. How about everyone who owns property (who is not getting the protections that we pay for) bad together and refuse to pay our property taxes coming up?????

The enablers and city, county, state and governmental officials seem to be able to change the rules daily, even when the populous votes against many of these measures.

Why does a certain segment of the population seem to have free license to RIOT, STEAL, DESTROY on a daily basis continue to be allowed to do this? That segment is labeled “as underserved and underprivileged”-baloney. They do not have to go to jail, they can steal up to $950 with no prosecution and they do not have to pay their fines-but the rest of us have to take up the slack and pay for them. Keep in mind that job jumping Kamala was the backer of Propostion 47. People who care about the country are sick and tired of this and there will be an upswing for those who need to defend themselves.

Newsom was caught doing exactly what the entitlement crowd seems to think they are above the rest of us-who pay their freight and salaries. He and his friends can party-but oops! they got caught again. Brain dead Biden is just a puppet and Kamala is waiting in the wings to have him declared incapable of running our country-remember what Pelosi had just put before her supporters that if a president is not capable to handling the office duties of POTUS he/she can be removed. We all thought is was about Trump it may have been a ruse and it was intended to be used on Biden.

I am tired of looking the other way and these bad behaviors and it appears the great majority of others are starting to feel the same way. Get the officials out of office who are not doing their jobs now. LE has their hands tied. Make our voices heard just even louder than the enablers and the media who try to silence us.

To all those Walnut Creek elites that put down a list other cities, welcome to the list.


So funny to see people being anti-personal protection. Just remember IF there is a MAJOR SAFETY ISSUE the cops are NOT COMING. (duh).

Even if you are being attacked raped whatever in your own home, they will stage outside until it is safe to go in. You are on your OWN.

Don’t be one of those people that I ask, “How do you protect yourself?” and the answer is “Call the police” .. Great they’ll pick up your body and arrest the fool.. Yey for you. EVERYONE should has some sort of personal protection. AND THAT IS NOT CALLING SOMEONE WITH A GUN AND A NOISY CAR.


Civil unrest? This was a premeditated ATTACK. You asked for it, you got it.

PEACE OFFICER OATH OF OFFICE: “I, ______________________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties upon which I am about to enter…”

It may be time for business owners to consider protecting their business and their patrons like this guy…..


I hope people can wrap their minds around the fact that our “media” is funded and run by Globalists – (who have a vested interest in driving agendas to achieve their goals). It is nothing new – in that USA has inflicted these psy-ops on other nations – (and now we are getting blowback (it is our turn)). Either we awaken now – and unify – or we succumb to whatever the media narrative dictates. It is in the hands of these Oligarchs – (bankers) / and eliminating that which causes “climate change.”

Just a bunch of Corn Pops having fun.

Way to go, WC Police!! You basically did a crappy job of protecting our city!! Pretty sad that you allow this but people can’t have Thanksgiving together. Pathetic!!!!!

I was disappointed that the EB Times choose not to cover this event–thank goodness for Claycord!

Yep and if you were eating there and some losers came and pushed you down and were imposing on your free will and safety and you clocked them and sent them running like the little spoiled brats they are

You would have police come and arrest you

Boycott the area or be a victim of politicians supported Socialism take over

Wc businesses I feel for you as anyone who is being oppressed by violence that local gov are encouraging and state gov are pushing

What did you think would happen
Washington Oregon logically demifornia next
I am sure Harris has gotten her crew of rioters all new gear and your tax money to threaten and burn down your business
Just wait for the 18 year old socialist politically backed rioters to abuse your 10 year old legally
Wow just wow
that you would allow your childlren and business and family to be stripped of freedom
and be victims to a coup of America and which it stands for

Are we allowed to perform citizen arrests in this state? Maybe conservatives should posse up and deal with the problem police officers refuse to do maybe we should elect a real sheriff and posse to do what needs to be done if they want to sit on their hands and not do their jobs. I mean it’s only American to do such a thing. Where there’s a will there’s a way by the way this light weight reminds me of the movie pale Rider when the independent gold miners were harassed and the law did nothing cause they were corrupt. Do you hear that Walnut Creek Police Department you’re acting corrupt do your job before you get fired and replaced we pay your taxes those kids don’t put a dime into that coffer that’s your paycheck get ready for unemployment if this continues. I don’t think Walnut Creek residents will put up with much more of this ….I would hope so

You would be arrested the second you defended yourself or proactively engaged someone committing a crime. You would be thrown to the wolves by the left leaning local DA, who would consider the looters “needs” when assaulting an innocent or burgling a store, before your desire to life in a safe, orderly society.

WCPD clearly failed. I am not for defunding the police one bit, but when they don’t serve & protect as paid to do, what are we funding them to do….???

I am not for defunding the police but you are right if they do nothing to protect innocent people why pay them. They don’t even protect their own property.

SUPPOSEDLY they were ordered to stand down by the mayor.

The PD basically stood around and did nothing, and now expect the public to do their investigative work so they can do more of nothing.

I can only assume that the City Council is responsible for this ‘policy’. As for me and my house, we have avoided downtown Walnut Creek and will continue to do so. I feel bad for the affected businesses, however, they are going to need to band together to either change the city policy or else hire a private armed security service to protect the public and private property.

BTW- Robert Heinlein wrote about ‘abandoned zones’ decades ago. Looks like another one of his predictions has become reality.

I like your first sentence. How true it is.

Most folks who post on this page are reasonable it seems. But this county keeps electing politicians who support this agenda. You get what you vote for. CCC is about 75% Left and 25% right.

Stop whining and do something about it. At least these radicals do something.

The police worry more about their pensions than protecting. Don’t count on them and expect them to take the wrong side to suck up to their political masters. Constitutional oath ha!

We have reached a new plateau. The police have been bullied into doing nothing. At least their leaders have been. Thank you democrats and idiots. If the Walnut Creek police force refuses to protect citizens I say fire them and find some who will.

I think if the public were able to storm the council meetings and make the council members personally face the angry citizens, there might be some action. Unfortunately Covid allows the Council to hide in their homes.

Also, maybe the general population, most of who work outside the City don’t care what happens downtown. It’s not where they live.

The only very small consolation I take in all this is look how long and hard these Establishment/leftist crybabies had to work to finally get rid of Orange Man Bad…
– fake dossier used to illegally spy on AMERICAN citizens

– perpetuated Russia hoax, when in reality it was Hilary Clinton/DNC who literally were the ones COLLUDING with Russia

– turned a phone call with Ukraine into an absolute joke “impeachment”, a call where Trump was 100% correct in expressing concern about Joe Biden THREATENING the withholding of $1BN in aid unless the prosecutor investigating Burisma was fired, the same Burisma his crackhead, totally unqualified son “just happened” to be on the Board getting paid $83K per MONTH, which now proven in laptop emails his “job” was to make investigations go away

– got the benefit of Wuhan virus, the same one that a full month AFTER they called Trump “racist and xenophobic” for shutting down travel from China, they were out there publicly telling everyone “no problem here, come on down to Chinatown for a parade”

– even with all the censoring, de-platforming, and outright refusal to cover ANYTHING that hinted negativity of Biden by Big Tech and Big Media, it still took obvious and massive voter fraud to take out Orange, who got something like 9 million MORE votes than in 2016, yet with a straight face they’ll tell us and expect those with an IQ higher than room temperature that Joe effing Biden got more actual LEGAL votes…the only thing Joementia got “more” of were envelopes, NOT votes.

Thanks for watching WCPD. Enough is enough.

Mobs attacking people eating outdoors? Since Contra Costa County recently declared: “racism is a public health emergency” we can assume that they are actively investigating this.

If it’s after dark and behaving destructively, it is not a protest of any kind. Just plain vandalism. They are not a political party no matter what signs they hold, which may not be anything but decoy excuses. I doubt they want anything more than to try to break into stores and steal whatever. Stores are getting smarter and boarding up so that leaves them just trying to intimidate people and doing whatever destruction they can.

this disturbing situation has so many levels of disgust. for the people that were terrorized, the immediate threat of physical violence has to obviously be #1. and I 1000% see that as a huge huge thing. on a different kind of global level, it is highly disturbing that sunday morning, afternoon, or evening not one local news channel had any coverage whatsoever. I always blew off conspiracy theories, but, the media has a hugely terrifying impact on society if they continue like this. censorship, picking and choosing what is worthy to print. bad, bad sign of the times.

You are correct. By refusing to cover it, they are supporting it.

We are fortunate Claycord was brave enough to post the videos.

“The WCPD strongly agree if the right to peacefully protest”. Well when do those stupid cops realize it’s not peaceful?
Downtown riots, looting, burning things and the WCPD considers that peaceful, hogwash and BS, WCPD is too chicken caca to engage bunch of wimps..

Friendly reminder: Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

You have to arrest people. Pushing someone to the ground-assault/battery-PC 245/242, setting fires/arson – PC 451, threats and intimidation-PC 412, disturbing the peace-PC 415, graffiti/vandalism – PC 594.

Do they want rooftop Koreans???

Because this is how you get rooftop Koreans

lol! “Rooftop Koreans”. I loved the rooftop Koreans. Great Americans, defending their livelihoods from indiscriminate marauding hordes. Right about now I’m thinking Walnut Creek could use a few rooftop Koreans.

This has everything to do with politics. This type of behavior is not tolerated in republican run states and cities. If you vote democrat, your are asking for it. And it’s not the police’s fault. They are taking orders from the liberal city leadership. If it was up to the police force, there would have been numerous arrest and it would have been stopped promptly. All accountability goes to the mayor and city council.

If the Walnut Creek police are overwhelmed, can’t neighboring police departments like Concord, BART, CHP be called to control mob action? Mob action is increasing in WC because the criminals know there are no consequences.

Yes, a friend of mine got a similar “aggressively enforced” jay walking ticket in downtown WC. Along with the meager parking, and the squeezing out of regular businesses in favor of chi chi boutiques, that sort of enforcement cemented by notion that downtown is no longer for people like me. Apparently it IS for a large, rich and trendy demographic. But it seems the WCPD is far more interested in giving magic tickets to non-threatening, business patrons that look like they’ll just pay whatever ticket they’re giving, than interrupting dangerous criminal activity. That thin blue line is mighty thin in Walnut Creek. Walnut Creek needs to get its act together. As a Concord citizen I really don’t want that kind of lawless, crime magnet city in Diablo Valley.

The police nowadays are mirroring the actions of the liberal democrat politicians: They pretend like they are serving the people, they pretend like they are accomplishing something, and they pretend like they care. In reality, they serve only themselves, they accomplish nothing and they don’t care.

If I had a good printer I would print these comments out and take them to the chief of the WCPD. Maybe he could read them and come up with some kind of apology and promise it won’t happen again. Don’t hold your breath.

Rather strange given state of the art digital radio technology, cell phone coverage and Mutual Aid agreements between Police agencies,
just 80 people can’t be watched over and criminal element arrested.
IF requested mutual aid can arrive in minutes, usually driving time from nearby jurisdictions, includes Sheriff and CHP.

Was this “demonstration” about reinforcing a continuing political message those in charge of Walnut Creek agree with and is it possible law enforcement was advised, “hands off” ? ? ? ?

Yet previous Saturday outside Police agencies were in WC.
“The Central County SWAT Team, a tactical team comprised of members from Walnut Creek PD, San Ramon PD, Martinez PD, BART PD, and Pleasant Hill PD, responded to the scene to assist.”

Question is, are citizens of WC fed up yet with their town being used for furtherance of a far left political agenda and negative actions that accompany that political agenda ? ? ?
June 2020

At what point do businesses decide to quit WC and how soon before insurance companies refuse to write business insurance policies or raise rates to unavoidable levels. An will this increase in criminal activity cause insurance companies to raise rates for residential insurance policies for those living in WC city limits ? ?

Yes video is disturbing, but I for one do not fault front line Police officers. Fault belongs with those giving direction based possibly on political beliefs and voters. Yes, I said voters.

We’re saddled with a liberal DA here in CoCo county voted into office.
‘California DA’s new policy to consider looters’ ‘needs’ before charging them’

Between AB-109 passed in 2011 and a number of subsequent bandaid Propositions to repair damage AB-109 caused to Jail systems of ALL 58 CA counties.

AB-109 turned jails into little more than overcrowded farcical revolving doors. Take a look at who voted for AB-109 on 03/17/2011.
A then state senator now a member of congress.

BLAME should begin with feckless members of CA state legislature.
Their simplistic shallow thinker fix for CA prison over crowding was to, simply make it no longer their problem by forcing that overcrowding down onto CA’s 58 counties.

An first state inmates on prison buses back to counties they came from were inmates needing continuing high dollar medical care, inmates needing geriatric care and those with handicaps. Lawsuits filed on behalf of handicapped former state inmates against counties, became some what of a cottage industry.


It’s the voters of Walnut Creek who own this.


Kevin Wilk who will become mayor cited his top “accomplishments” as fighting climate change and raising a rainbow flag over city hall. No, I’m not making this up. The one incumbent cited as supporting law and order was voted out of office this month.

@Original G and Van Exeter… thanks for the response. Yeah I figured someone might argue to defend the rank and file, and that’s certainly a legitimate position, in fact one that I have taken many times, especially in Concord where I live. But in these Walnut Creek incidents, I just can’t see it that way. “Just following orders” only gets you so far. At some point, you have to do what’s right. And when people are being assaulted and businesses vandalized? Screw protocol. In fact, screw your job. Empty bluster? Hardly. On multiple occasions I have either walked off the job, told my boss where he can stick it, or called his bluff and said, “well then fire me” when either I refused to go along with what they were doing or was asked to do something ethically unacceptable. And there was a lot less at stake than rioting mobs tearing up downtown Walnut Creek. If you are a WC cop and you stand by and watch the city you are sworn to protect get trashed because you’re calculating it’s the best way to protect your career and your pension, then in my view you are not of sufficient moral caliber to be a police officer. And I wish you would remove that American flag from your sleeve because you are disgracing it.

I don’t think we currently have the legal construct of impersonating an officer when one is actually an officer, but the reprehensible conduct of the WCPD makes a good case for that legal gymnastic.

@Ven Exeter: Climate change awareness and LGBTQ rights has nothing to do with the rioting in Walnut Creek.

So I hate to correct you again but that is the transgender flag being waived. Your opinion once again means nothing. Photos speak for themselves.

Natalie- it sure as hell does, when political correctness and feel good resolutions take precedence over day to day activities and violence.

When you/your house gets attacked in WC, then don’t bother reporting it. You can wave your climate change flag and LGBTQ flag – because WCPD won’t do anything about it and the DA’s office won’t file charges.

But you can feel good about it because the city council “issues resolutions” proclaiming this or that.

If that was my basement dwelling kid, they’d be out the door in a heartbeat. I understand mayors in dem run cities are telling police to stand down. And, God forbid if you smoke a cigarette in pristine Walnut Creek. Been a lifelong east bay resident. How I fondly remember “cruisin’ the Creek’ in the 70’s. Keep looking up! Can’t see Jesus putting up with all the nonsense much longer.

A part of me is really happy that Walnut Creek is a lightning rod for all this kind of garbage protest. Let the WC limousine liberals suffer the consequences of their own actions, let their overpriced downtown become a playground for anarchists and Marxists, let it be the focus of the entire region’s violent looter angst so that the better, sounder, more centrist communities won’t have to suffer them.

“Some of the participants were wearing ballistic-type vests.”
That is why some of my firearms training is head shots and groin shots.

Clayord, this post should be taken down. There is no direct evidence this person is suspected of anything from Saturday night. If there is reason to suspect this person, then the police should be contacted. This person could have their life put in danger based on pure speculation.The solution to the protests is not attack people at their homes based on rumor.

If people don’t want to be photographed in public, they shouldn’t go out in public. Photography is a first amendment protected activity. Now I know the constitution is triggering for you but you do live in America. Try and hold yourself together long enough to catch your flight right on out of here.

@Sam and @Ash: The post I was referring to was a comment that is no longer up. My comment now lacks the original context, but I was not referring to the photographs or the police report or anything as basic as that.

That happens all the time… you reply to a post that suddenly gets removed and there your post is…. sticking out like a sore thumb. It makes no sense to anyone & makes you look stupid…. but I’ve seen the stuff you post Natalie & can’t see how anyone would notice the difference.

If the person was there, how does context change anything? It doesn’t. You are arguing that this person was an innocent bystander? Just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time? What’s your point? I certainly don’t want people harassed at their homes but I sounds like the same old argument to protect the criminals.

Wish I knew they were there. It would have ended differently.

French President Emanuel Macron slammed the U.S. mainstream media in an interview with The New York Times for “legitimizing” violence, saying that it was a sign that the nation’s “founding principles have been lost.”

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I lived and worked in Walnut Creek in the 90’s and loved it. I was down there yesterday and took a walk around town and was saddened by what I saw. Empty or boarded up store fronts, numerous pan-handlers, graffiti, bums. Seems like Walnut Creek is going the way of Berkeley.

The election was not lost it was stolen.

Pepper gel is excellent no blow back and can shot up to 18 feet. Personal alarms with dual sirens at 120dbs will blow your ears off and can be put on you key chain. Stop being victims. Protect yourself and those around you. It’s only going to get worse.



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