Home » Spare The Air Alert Issued For Friday In The Bay Area

Spare The Air Alert Issued For Friday In The Bay Area


The Bay Area Air Quality Management District has issued a Spare the Air alert for Friday because of excessive smog expected in the region.

The alert, the third issued by the air district for smog in 2020, is the result of a forecast of light winds and temperatures of up to triple digits in inland parts of the Bay Area that will combine with vehicle exhaust to create an unhealthy level of smog, otherwise known as ozone.

Smog can cause breathing problems and other medical maladies, so the air district encourages Bay Area residents to only exercise outdoors in the early morning hours when smog concentrations are lower, as well as to work remotely and avoid long car trips to limit the levels of vehicle exhaust.


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They could have at least said something about how masks could be harmful given the decreased quality of the air over the next couple weeks. It’s probably a lot harder to breathe with a mask on..I wouldn’t know

Is Marky Mark having another town hall meeting? Hence, the air warning?

Don’t even THINK about commuting to work tomorrow!!!

Hey neighbor… yeh you. It’s a Spare the Air day tomorrow. That means no barbequing on Friday like you usually do when you disreguard iSpare the Air day and spew your nasty, stinky barbeque smoke all over the neighborhood. It smells like you’re cooking SKUNK!

The restrictions don’t apply to cooking – not even skunk.

I love backyard barbecued skunk..Kinders marinade. Tastes like chicken. Slow cooked in the Bay Area to celebrate spare the air days with friends and family.

I have a feeling ur neighbor aint smokin meat…

Aw, As an animal lover I don’t much care for this comment, although I do kind of understand it. Never knew much about skunks, until about 10 years ago I helped a friend take care of her 96 year old aunt, I would stop by many night and keep her company and help her to bed. Almost every night a skunk showed up on the patio (she left food out for the neighbors cats) she kept asking me if it was male or female, I had no idea. Until one night we heard her eating and we opened the curtains, and there she was with 5 babies, they were so cute, never sprayed, and was not scared of us at all, they came by almost every night during the summer. The only time Mama skunk sprayed was when a racoon wanted some of the food, it was obvious the racoon had a fair amount of respect for the skunk.

Masks can cause breathing problems and other medical maladies.

I agree. I accidently cut into my vision by improperly installing a mask.
Now I suffer from it. on a daily basis.

Bar-B-Qers life’s matter

And no methane spewing protestors!

Skunk, the other white meat.

Nope – I’m not sparing the air anymore.

I’m keeping my A/C on all day today & I won’t feel guilty anymore for doing so.



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