Home » Martinez Police Chief Issues Statement Before Sunday’s Planned Protest – Thousands Expected To March From The Courthouse To The Marina

Martinez Police Chief Issues Statement Before Sunday’s Planned Protest – Thousands Expected To March From The Courthouse To The Marina


Click on the image above to read the full letter, which was released today by Martinez Police Chief Manjit Sappal.

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Lovely sentiments from the chief. I pray that it goes in accordance with his wishes.
The real question is if his department is going to perform the duties for which they exist, or if they are going to retreat like the Police departments in Seattle, Portland, Baltimore, Chicago, Minneapolis and elsewhere have repeatedly demonstrated they regularly do.
Police exist to enforce the law. If they do not perform the duties for which they’re paid, that leaves the public to fend for ourselves…

Or give them water , sandwiches, and bring in bathrooms for them like Clayton did. The city reps, the mayor, and all who supported that should be kicked out. Spineless

I wonder how much of our money was spent on said sandwiches, water, and bathrooms?

Clayton doesn’t care how much it costs to feed protesters. They have a budget surplus which provides the city with its own private slush fund collected as a Special Assessment on yearly Property Taxes. We know they don’t care how much things cost or they would have checked the Thin Blue Line flags donated BEFORE they put them up.

Wow still pandering to the liberal agenda I see

Bringing a weapon of any kind to a peaceful protest or illegally carrying a weapon into our community could serve as a flashpoint for an escalation of events.

It is even mentioned about illegally carrying a weapon
But says nothing about being arrested or detained
Wow so anarchy it is then

I mean he essentially is inviting chaos and embellishing it
With words like flashpoint …fire and escalation ….rioting

It appears that democrats in charge anywhere believe that riots hurt trump so they are going full crazy and enticing and inviting riots

Just horrible and unconscionable

@ Random

Whiile I also deplore the liberal agenda, your comments are simply idiotic and, by being so blindly radical, do nothing to further the conservative cause. This Chief is simply doing his job to protect the community! He’s not some liberal pawn out to take away your rights! The last thing we want is to have people coming into such a hostile environment armed. That’s all he saying! It’s not his fault the Mayor and City Counsel are idiots for starting this whole matter. He’s only being forced to deal with the incompetence of the city government!
Get over yourself. You’re sounding no better than a Democrat!

Maybe just maybe it wasn’t a great idea to let those individuals paint their political beliefs in the street. It is such a flash point for some that causes this kind of bullcrap to happen. Maybe it would’ve been better to let them voice their opinion with a sign in their own yard, instead of painted on a PUBLIC street.

idiot hater EXACTLY !!!!

You didn’t see the All Lives Matter “mural” on the next street over?
Neither did I.

Exactly! This is all on the POS mayor of Martinez, Rob Schroder. He is the one who signed the petition to let them draw on the street. He better be front and center during this riot. He allows this to happen and our police officers have to put their lives on the line. The good citizens of Martinez don’t deserve these rioters coming to wreck havoc on their city!!

To John Taliban Walker ~ We won’t be leaving Our Country, and we Won’t be running from you.
Nice try though, I thought it was your kind who was always threatening to move to Canada…..you’re all bark, no bite.

It’s not fair! We should have
White lives matter on the next street

Goldfish lives matter on the next

Hermit crabs lives matter on the next

Plants lives matters on the next

The color pink matters on the next

Asian lives matter on the next

Latino lives matter on the next

Cats lives matter on the next

My pet rocks life matters on the next. Oh no I want that one on all the streets.

Flies lives matter on the next

Spiders lives matter on the next

If I have forgotten anything please add on. Oh I almost forgot the color purple matters too

Mayor Schroder and city council must answer to their constituents as to the senseless decision made. The residents of Martinez should demand its immediate removal from THEIR streets.

Huh. Looks like plans have dramatically changed for the chief regarding this supposed peaceful protest. He now will have downtown Martinez saturated with police. This after his prior letter stated his plan was “to keep a small footprint of officers involved”.

And let’s see the impact on our hospital ERs after protesters, et al. collapse from heat stroke during tomorrow’s mid-90s weather forecast.

He’s reacting to the new information as this situation is quickly blowing out of control. I just hope no one gets killed. If they do, the blood will be squarly on the mayor’s and city council members hands! When you’re put into a position of responsibility, you have to think your decisions out, not just react to the cause of the day. Every one of them should be recalledimmediately!

Remember when more conservative leaning folks were protesting to reopen the state and country? Remember how that was awful and was putting the community at risk? They were killing grandma with their selfishness, we were told. Awful, selfish troglodytes. I don’t remember LE having to call in every available officer, and then plead with outside agencies for additional help, but maybe my memory is just bad.

If this stays peaceful and there is no property damage, I will be incredibly surprised. And yet the ministry of truth has no doubt already declared this a “mostly peaceful” protest, while still condemning people that wanted to get back to work and live their lives.

I guess the moral of the story is, break stuff and start fights if you want to be taken seriously.

Can you imagine the media shrieking that would have occured if anti-lockdown protesters had done a CHAZ? Taken over some part of a city, decreed its laws null, and then proceeded to open everything up and live a normal life? Open communists do it, though, and it’s just a summer of love, bro. Sure two (unless one died in the hospital) were murdered by CHAZ “security,” but can’t make an omelet without broken eggs, amirite?

For the well being of the residents in Martinez, I hope the high heat keeps people away. Things need to get back to normal. Painting your political beliefs in the street is never a good idea. That’s what the polls are for.

Will there be a downtown Martinez on Monday? Stay tuned.

👏🏻 Very well said let’s work together 🙏🏻
May god blessed all law enforcement and everyone involved.

i;ll stay out of it.. GOOD LUCK.. i hope the police are ALLOWED to control the crowd..

Seems like the mayor opened a can of worms.

Get ready for a CHOP zone in Martinez.

Anarchist snowflakes have been known to bring signs on hollow sticks, inside there have been metal pipes or ball bearings, etc.

There needs to be an emergency curfew imposed.
Would not be surprised if roads into Martinez get blockaded by disabled vehicles. Massive law enforcement contingent needs to be held in reserve downtown and the has to be no nonsense immediate response to trouble.

Seek advice from Clayton PD on curfew time and teargas use.

IF it all goes south is SOLELY, fault of city manager, mayor and city council for allowing that childish street
“M U R A L”.

Their actions endangered citizens of Martinez and financial well being of city they are supposed to serve, not play liberal politic GAMES. Every single one of them should RESIGN.

When many people gather no matter what the cause, there will be idiots causing trouble. I thought the letter was fair warning. I do not think the police chief was too soft. If these people cause trouble there will be arrests. I know while I was working at UC Berkeley, the campus police always had to film any arrests made so the dang protestors would not try to lie and say they were abused by the cops. I hope this police chief knows all about that. Getting tired of the people ruining their own message by bad behavior. Hopefully this will be peaceful which I doubt.

“When many people gather no matter what the cause, there will be idiots causing trouble.”

Absolutely false, as usual. Just a couple examples:



Interesting—not a single mention of masks and the need to social distance. Protester lives matter, but the rest of ours don’t!

Good luck and when COVID cases go up even higher then all you MASK SHAMERS maybe will finally realized it’s the protests that is causing the uptick!

Unfortunately, mask shamers are running for cover under the government umbrella. The very people that give themselves raises and benefits. While the working class can not afford even a needed doctor visit. Plus, we are threatened for not purchasing – Obama style. Meanwhile foreign entities are funded with our ever increasing tax dollars. The young idiots don’t know enough history to see around the corner. Venezuela, Hong Kong, Cuba, Stalin’s Russia. Nazi Germany.

The founders are already being torn from history books. Even the people of the same race as them are targeted as criminals. What next? Internment camps? Prison for lifting a finger to protect family and home?

The Bureau of Land Management really needs to start defending their brand.

Here, here! It happened with the WWF.
Vince McMahon was given the smackdown by the World Wildlife Foundation and had to change his company name to WWE.

Hahaha agreed! I thought, “man I didn’t know the Bureau of Land Management was so angry!”

Mayor is weak…dumps issue on MPD….never should have gone this far.

stay safe everyone!

I heard it’s the Hells Angels and that’s why he’s worried.😬

What is wrong with this picture?

Gavin closes outdoor dining in Alameda now, but let’s thousands come to reek havoc on Martinez and spread the virus..
So sick of his pea brain ruining our lives.

🏆🏆 This is it right here folks. We are dealing with the most immature, ignorant, game playing personalities that exist. Mostly caused from fetal alcohol syndrome or excessive drug use + lack of education.

“So you want to get rid of the constitution” I don’t know where you’re actually posting from but no child, nobody wants to get rid of the constitution. You do realize sweet sweet child the constitution declares all men equal under the law. It’s literally the answer to everyone’s problems in the moment. I know your indoctrination has taught you otherwise, for that you should protest the school district. Someday you will grow up and actually crack a book. The problem is you people don’t know how to use the law. Again an education issue. Instead you have this big dream of burning it all down and starting again. Unfortunately reminding the powers that be to NEVER give you any power. You watch when they are done using you it will be 10x worse.

“So you want to get rid of the First Amendment to the Constitution”

Nope. Just like to see less hypocritical support of it by greaseball Gavin and others. Of note, part of that first amendment precludes the government from restricting the free exercise of religion.

I hope the police do whatever it takes to keep it from becoming a riot. The people of Martinez do not deserve this. It wasn’t their fault.

You’re right SF.
One good thing though, it’s a real short ride to JAIL for anyone arrested!

what are we the people going to do about this….vote and pray and seek the One who is in charge’s Face. A real American needs to stand against anarchy and tyranny.

It’s not just the businesses that are downtown, people live there too. Chief better be thinking of them before anything else’s

Thanks everyone, for the prayers and good wishes.
It saddens me to see this drama brought into our home(town).
Been here 42 years. I’ve always been proud of our town.
This division and racist dialog is new here.
I believe we are strong and united enough to get through these changing times, and will again find that ‘something’ that drew us here in the first place.


The woke but godless, the arrogant but ignorant, the violent but physically unimpressive, the degreed but poorly educated, the broke but acquisitive, the ambitious but stalled — these are history’s ingredients of riot and revolution.

Thank you

They should protest in Moraga or Diablo. That’s where all the oppressive elites live. Why mess with hardworking normal people? Does anyone actually believe that’s where systematic racism comes from. Everyone is getting played here. The protesters and the citizens of Martinez deserve better government and power structures. You ain’t speaking truth to power, more like preaching to the choir. You gotta go to the rich areas if you want anyone to hear you

They have to stay away from the wealthy areas or people will remember those murders in Orinda a while back.

Systemic protesting soon to surpass systemic racism.

It the ‘blame’ and ‘I’m a victim’ movement. They will go to where they can play and get the most victim justification.

Actually, there is plenty of open space out in Moraga and Diablo. What a delightful location for another Chaz/Chop garden, complete with a sustainable pot farm and nice open space for tent encampments. Absolutely no need to set up a happy place out in the dirty city streets. Enjoy nature. Take the protest up the mountain. Take over the Mt Diablo visitor’s center. Bathrooms, tables, all you need for a protestor’s cozy new homesites. Local Liberals and their families won’t mind. The caring residents of Diablo can supply delicious gourmet food. Now doesn’t that sound much better than Martinez. Hint.

Back in 1969 Ronald Reagan made this statement to professors / administrators of Cal berkely about Peoples Park protestors and it is as true today as it was then.

“All of it began the first time some of you who know better…
let young people think that they had the right to choose the laws they would obey as long as they were doing it in the name of social protest.”
–Ronald Reagan

The people who painted the street in front of the court house had a permit. David Nelson and Nicole Anderson didn’t have a permit to paint on the street. This situation doesn’t apply to the Regan quote at all, because this situation didn’t start with young people disobeying laws in Martinez.

Your response to OGs post is totally irrelevant. Besides, government is supposed to act according to the will of the people. Regarding the mural, the MTZ government approved it all on their own without any comment, input or opinion from the MTZ community.

I noticed that as well but was waiting for you to bring it up. You’re pretty smart for a DVC student. The mayor actually came right out and threatened the people of Martinez if they dare protect themselves or their property. Then politely asked the protesters to not destroy our city. Fascinating to watch the attempted Marxist take over. Everyone playing their parts. Like chess pieces…Hello George 👀

Martinez city officials got themselves into this foolish mess. Hope it doesn’t deteriorate into another mob action like Broadway Plaza in Walnut Creek a couple weeks ago followed by inaction of the WCPD.


Extremely well said…

First, if you don’t live in Martinez stay out of Martinez on Sunday. Second, if you live in Martinez keep your doors locked, your car on the street to prevent people from parking in front of your house, third keep your powder dry if you know what I mean.

For the police, stop any car without valid plates, missing plates or if it has been reported stolen. If rioting and looting breaks out arrest as many of them as possible. Look out for and focus on the antifa white terrorists trying to incite violence. You CAN do this!

Just took a leisurely drive through downtown Martinez and the Marina area at ~8:30 PM Saturday eve. Many businesses such as Cinco de Mayo on Pacheco Blvd, even quite some distance from the planned Protest area are boarded up.

Most of all of the downtown buildings are boarded up. The county buildings are boarded up, too. It’s eerie. Several American Flags were flying, I bet those will the first victims of vandalism.

I hope LE doesn’t allow crap to get too far out of hand…

Hopefully they’ll set up license plate readers at the main 3-roads in to town…

Now I know why I had trouble getting plywood at Home Depot

The chief wrote: “In the event that the protest devolves and there are acts of violence or damage in a manner that places the community at risk, we will be forced to disperse the crowd”. He also wrote: “Please do not engage in toxic, violent, hateful, or unsafe behavior” and “For all protestors –as a community we ask that you do not disrespect us by damaging our city.” So how is he part of the problem?

It seems like you read half of the chief’s letter, made an assumption, got angry, and didn’t read the other half of the letter.

The Marxists are being instructed to park in the lots by the water. If anyone is up for some fun, I’d suggest plastering the cars in the lot with “Trump 2020” bumper stickers and then watch the imbeciles destroy each other’s cars.


They are domestic terrorists. Get over it Natalie

If they’re parking by the water there’s only one way in or out – across the railway line at Ferry Street (unless they cut through from Berrellesa).
One freight train will cut the whole access, either way. I wonder how this will play out if people start crossing the tracks at random locations.
And where will the porta-potties be? The logistics on these things are never done right and this one looks worse than usual.
If they start at the courthouse and march to the Marina (why? – there’s nothing there) then the crowd will be all worked up and in the middle of nowhere. Nothing much to do except go home out of the Ferry Street crossing (slow and difficult if trains come through). It would be smarter for them to start at the Marina and go to the courthouse (speeches, symbolism). But then they’d have to go and get their cars at the Marina again. Martinez is just not a good town for protesting in.

This is a set up. The train, the park, the exits. It could really get ugly for Martinez. Good luck to everyone surviving to fight the next battle is important. Don’t get sucked into losing your freedom for these cowards.

I’ve been going over in my mind how exactly this is going to work and it just doesn’t work. Weird.
Thousands of America’s dumbest, pouring into tiny Martinez to scream and yell, shoving their bs agenda down our throats. This has to be the last straw. If this doesn’t go well, the blame is on the Chief & Mayor and they need to be held accountable for allowing this lawlessness to happen!!

If anyone is injured today, the federalized sheriffS department need to arrest the mayor, city council, and district attorney. Exactly when will the people who took the oath stand up and protect our rights? Between the county health departments unequal protection of the first amendment to the city encouraging the attacks on our community. This better be fixed soon. Remove the communists from out government now.

Worse than that she was part of a large domestic terrorist organization linked to the weather underground and other violent shady organizations, there is blood all over her hands, she was arrested with illegal firearms and explosives iirc

Cheap labor for large corporations?
What is concord known for?
Pretty sure you’re on something right now with this bs…spinning around up there babbling..neglected sheep in the fold..lol dude too many

Well. Her son is the DA in SF. Good ole George Soros is one of his backers. Why Martinez??? Your Judge, Diana Becton Smith accepted his dirty money. She owes him! Control the laws, conteol the people…Better pay attention to who you vote for! Anyone connected to Soros has plans to Deconstruct America!



Yes,….that bit of information was mentioned on the News this last week. A lot of people didn’t get that memo in the main stream News.

“support of main street USA”

“yahoo bozo Patriots armed with assault rifles”

Your comment almost seemed reasonable until you laid bare your obvious, pathetic bias.

@ anon – I think you are referring to Susan Rosenberg who was arrested and convicted for weapons & explosives violations (58 years). She had been implicated in numerous bombings and an armored car heist in which 2 guards were killed, but never charged for lack of evidence. Rosenberg was released from prison in 2001 after having her sentence commuted by Clinton, serving 16 years of her 58-year prison sentence. I have no idea why.

Thank you Jimmy. Well said and you didn’t call anyone names. All the best to everyone who are expressing their thoughts and hoping for a resolution. Time will tell.

Maybe, with all the defund the police garbage going on, the police should just step back and let psychologists handle the riot!

The more one thinks the of the logistics concerning this event, the more obvious it is that whatever occurs, is not what is being advertised.

To expect everyone to park at the Marina, meet at the Courthouse, and do a short walk – basically to no where – reeks of the obvious, that that is not what is planned.

I do not know what they will do, but I have guesses (none of them positive), and I’m very curious to see how this unfolds…

From a LEA stand point, the layout of this situation affords many advantages to LE.

Think about this for a moment. I walked around the downtown area of Martinez on Friday evening. I saw a lot of people out enjoying themselves like my wife and I. What I also noticed were how many small businesses were boarded up in anticipation of this nonsense. Small businesses are the backbone of this nation. The so-called protesters have helped to perpetuate the closure of these businesses with their selfish stunts. If the mayor had a small business in the city center or the worthless D.A, you could expect a different approach to the graffiti crowd responsible for their painting of inflammatory beliefs on city streets.

Is anybody in the vicinity of this event? What is the status on the Marxist rioters?

Pine St & Sentinel St, Estudillo St & Shell Ave are home to the largest Contra Costa housing welfare recipients…….how are they being “Oppressed”???? They drive nicer cars than I do.

Public Enemy- Can’t Truss It, “Beware of the hand when it’s coming from the left”

You seriously don’t know the difference between “white supremacists” and “all white people”?

Aron, I know but the Media does not not.

I smell the smoke all the way over in Walnut Creek.
Did the fire hamper the Marxist event or are they responsible for it?

Aron, I remember Trump said one time about a protest…There are good people on both sides and the media implied that he was talking about the KKK and Nazis and not the joe average citizen that was there.

Thanks for the link, AnimalLover! I was wondering about that smell, so close to said event…

Joe Vasquez from KPIX tweeting with video from downtown Martinez. https://mobile.twitter.com/joenewsman?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor

Tweet from 3:55 PM shows “protesters” gathering. Funny I don’t see any black folks in his video, only white Marxists.

judging by the comments here, they’re no fools

Well, so far looks like the Berkeley campus (and suburban basements) should be empty right now seeing as how the children appear to be in Martinez.

All the children have come out to play caring grown-up.


Seriously, on the good side, seems they are behaving and minding their elders.



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