Home » DAILY UPDATE: 1,375 Confirmed Cases Of Coronavirus (222 Active Cases) In Contra Costa County – 22 More Than Yesterday (1,116 Recovered)

DAILY UPDATE: 1,375 Confirmed Cases Of Coronavirus (222 Active Cases) In Contra Costa County – 22 More Than Yesterday (1,116 Recovered)


Contra Costa is now reporting 1,375 confirmed cases of coronavirus in the county, which is 22 more than yesterday.

1,116 people in Contra Costa County with COVID-19 have fully recovered.

There have been 37 coronavirus-related deaths in Contra Costa.


Currently, the county has 222 active cases of COVID-19.

Below is a city-by-city breakdown of coronavirus cases for Contra Costa County:


RELATED STORY FROM TUESDAY: 1,353 Confirmed Cases Of Coronavirus (212 Active Cases) In Contra Costa County – 17 More Than Yesterday (1,104 Recovered)


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Is there a graph for our county?

Seems that the CC Health Dept. is leaving the public largely in the dark. After more than 2.5 months, the community should be getting more precise information about where these new cases are coming from and how they are believed to be contracted. This lack of specificity is pitiful. We don’t seem to be much better at getting facts than Communist China! Political correctness is balderdash.

PC … agreed ! There should be total transparency!

PC: “Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!”…seems like the Wizard of Oz movie was dealing with lack of transparency/specificity, too.

So we tested 306 more people, and 22 tested positive.
Our hospital count went down by 2.
The death rate stayed the same.

And we are on lockdown because? Yeah, I forgot, this is a SUPER DEADLY virus that is going to end the world! There are millions of people dying in the streets (~355K worldwide right now) so to protect them, lock us up for our own good and protection. Our intelligent (*GAG*, sorry that was an automatic reaction to saying that about it) health director says that we need to lock down.

Rent is no longer required, but the renters want their property repaired … with what funds? The rent money you have not paid yet?

Walmart is safer than our churches? You would gather that becauses Walmart allowance of people is higher than a church. Imagine only allowing 100 people total in Walmart, once you remove the number of employees, you would have what, 30 customers?

Pathetic … Pathetic county. And yes, I have emailed and called our county reps to tell them what I think.

Just an fyi, total tested from yesterday to today was 694

1300 more tests than yesterday, about the same number of new cases as always (15-25 range).
One less person in the hospital.
And all this with people going out MUCH more than a few months ago.

13 people in the hospital out of 1.1 million.

Open it up.

Does anyone know the inside scoop of where and why there is such a huge outbreak in Richmond?
Sad that county officials are keeping us residents in the dark and trying to keep us in fear.

Some sobering information is beginning to come out.
Seems roughly 43% of CV-19 fatalities happened in assisted living facilities and nursing homes.

Too many states rather than do their own thinking, did low inflect knee jerk copy cat. Had they used some common sense, many elderly deaths could have been prevented.

An example, mandating nursing homes accept actively infected COVID-19 patients and as incentive to cooperate some states offered 1,000 taxpayer dollars per day.

To learn what CA did search for,
nursing homes covid 1,000 per day CA.

An exception is Florida which did not knee jerk copy cat other liberal states. Instead they banned Florida hospitals from discharging CV-19 infected patients into long term care facilities thereby saving probably thousands of their elderly citizens.

Death rates from CV-19 because of policies liberal states adopted and left in place.

After what they allowed, NO make that
what they incentivized to happen here in CA,
do they deserve your vote.

Found another site freopp dot org

Lays out Five categories of long-term care providers and breaks down how they differ. An how 0.6% of the U.S. population reside in those facilities. Gives more info that media is not reporting.


Average a week is 20 cases a day it keep going up and down.

Thank to the hot weather we need it. Some people believe that the heat will beat the vovid 19. Some people do some people do not. I believe the heat will beat the covid 19

barber shops will reopen in San Luis O Bispo as long as they follow the covid 19 guide line.

I like to watch tne news in SLO on KBSY very good station. My dad lives in slo county. So far, just only one death in SLO county. You do not even have to wear mask if you are outside still got to wear mask going inside public places.

Santa Barbara County is issuing citation up to $1000 a fine for not wearing a mask but officer said will engage into conversation before issuing a ticket if there a reason why they should not have to wear mask.

SLO county is telling people not to come to SLO from outside their county in order to slow the spread of covid 19.

Same old story: a slow trickle of new cases, not really going up, not going down. What are we gaining by continuing like this? It is not going to get any lower. Whereas we are losing people’s livelihoods, other medical care is getting deferred, mental health is a huge issue, and on and on.

SIP is a damaging, extreme measure. It can’t just be kept up as a default from which to cautiously, slowly, bureaucratically take baby steps forward. Every day the cost of it gets higher: more businesses that die, supply chains that start failing, quality of life going in the tank, hospitals becoming insolvent, deaths of despair, churches going into the red. Covid isn’t the only thing I’m the world, and it is okay if a public health officer is focused on it, but it’s .not ok if he/she is basically in charge of *everything*. Tunnel vision at its worst.

So there are 13 people in the hospital in Contra Costa. How many hospital beds do we have available. Just the John Muir hospitals must have hundreds of beds available. No hospitals are overwhelmed. And if they don’t have PPE by now, they are idiots.

as of 05/27:

1,375 confirmed cases (CCC) with 37 deaths = 2.69% death rate.



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