Home » Current Shelter-In-Place Order In Contra Costa County Has No End Date, According To Health Department

Current Shelter-In-Place Order In Contra Costa County Has No End Date, According To Health Department


The current shelter-in-place order in Contra Costa County has no end date, according to the health department.

They plan to re-evaluate the situation every two weeks.

The shelter-in-place was scheduled to end on May 31.


County Health Officer Dr. Chris Farnitano announced the news during a Facebook live session just after 4 p.m. today.

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Well, the Police will stand down and WE will take back what is OURS.
Just like they took back their skate park in LA.

Just go out like everyone else. No one has been obeying the order for about 2 weeks now.

And just how do you plan to distinguish what is YOURS from what is MINE?

And just how do you plan on determining what is yours? Don’t I get a say in what may be mine?

If you want to go out and demand that places remain closed…….good luck with being outnumbered, be sure to record it and play the victim.

The victims are those who are clamoring to “take back” something that was put in place to protect my life from an infectious disease.

People are out and about with little regard to the county employees’ dictatorial edicts.

The numbers don’t add up to justify this continued harassment by the county.

Big changes need to be made at the County Supes level.

How about the Board of Supervisors puts an end date on his employment, effective immediately. Same for Anna Roth.

That idiot is my moms primary care doctor he has denied her any in person care she is 62 diabetic has had a heart attack and has copd even canceled an ekg she needed to have is this even legal because she has not had a visit with him this year if there is an attorney out there willing to sue him the county and the state please email me directly ironchef925@gmail.com

It sounds like your Mom is better off without him. There are other caring Doctors out there if she needs one.

Who cares how long this lasts in CC County. I’ve been taking my daughter to the parks and tennis courts. We have them all to ourselves. If I feel like shopping, I drive across the bridge to Solano County. This extended shelter in place is just hurting the businesses in CC County while the other counties will start to thrive again.

With you!! This is ridiculous

I’m seeing lawsuits/protests on the horizon. Meanwhile the County Sups are NOT representing their districts. I have been writing, calling and no response.


This has gone on long enough. We must, at least, move alongside Newsom’s orders, not stay in early Stage 2 forever.

Exactly, when the board members come up for re-election we can replace them. Ms Burgis you need to listen to your district. East Contra Costa is tired of this SIP. We need to get moving.

Some have personal FB pages comment there. Make your (respectful dissent known. They only see people who think this is great.

The FBI is the primary federal agency responsible for investigating allegations regarding violations of federal civil rights statutes.

Color of Law Violations….

“Preventing abuse of this authority, however, is equally necessary to the health of our nation’s democracy. That’s why it’s a federal crime for anyone acting under “color of law” to willfully deprive or conspire to deprive a person of a right protected by the Constitution or U.S. law. “Color of law” simply means the person is using authority given to him or her by a local, state, or federal government agency.”

Filing a Complaint

To file a color of law complaint, contact your local FBI office by telephone, in writing, or in person.

FBI – San Francisco Field Office
450 Golden Gate Avenue, 13th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94102-9523
(415) 553-7400

FBI – Resident Agencies
1850 Gateway Blvd Ste 1010
Concord, CA 94520
(925) 671-7330

You may also contact the United States Attorney’s Office in your district or send a written complaint to:

Assistant United States Attorney General
Civil Rights Division
Criminal Section
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, Northwest
Washington, DC 20530

United States Attorney’s Office, Northern District of California
Federal Courthouse
450 Golden Gate Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94102
Phone: (415) 436-7200
Fax: (415) 436-7234

Unfortunately Janus, the F in FBI stands for Federal which means the concerns will fall on deaf ears.

I don’t know a single person that is SIP. Thanks for screwing with our life. LA is opening and has far more cases than our county.
Do they realize everyone is out going to other counties to shop, go camping , get haircuts, eat out ect.

Say whatever you want Chris. I do not recognize your “authority”. You have no power over any of us. You would rely on the guns police have and the financial threats over fines the county and your tyrannical department has.

You only have this power because youre part of the biggest bully ever known to humanity: government. You can only enforce this through threat or financial damage to us.

It’s about damn time we start showing up physically instead of talking on the internet. People like them only understand when it’s right in front of them.

This is unbelievable. In another two weeks, when the jerks with the secure paychecks reevaluate, we will have been locked down for nearly three months. Three months. No end in sight.

I’m calling the county supervisors tomorrow. Maybe if enough people called it might help. Maybe. Are any of them up for re-election in November?

They will keep SIP as long as the people allow them too!

This is BS !!! Enough is enough . There is no data and science to back this up! !!! Why is The bay area being singled out? Newsom is behind this !!! Not Farnitano , he is a puppet !!! Lawsuit coming !!!

I watched the press conference until the doctor reasoned that because CCC residents can travel to SF, Oakland, San Jose etc for work we could spread the virus. Could we not also travel to Benicia, Vacaville or Napa that are more open? His reasoning that CCC is a dense population like NY and Chicago is also flawed, along with his pronunciation of “Contra Costa”.

The time has come for civil disobedience.

Sorry bud. No can do. Rolling on out of here in early June to catch me some Trout. Good luck with your power grab.

Vote in November — remove every single incumbent from office. No more. If there are any scheduled protests in CoCo County, I’m in. Businesses should start to reopen en masse in defiance of these ridiculous orders with no end in sight. What happens when there is no vaccine? SARS is another coronavirus that is more lethal and no vaccine was ever developed. This can’t continue indefinitely. Call, email, write, protest. Do not lie down and let civil liberties get trampled on by power hungry elected officials!

Time for a law suit!

Please do you know an attorney my mom and wife have been denied care since this started both diabetics and both are under cchp this is utter bs i have a perfect case

Who cares what they say. No one is enforcing it. Go do what you want. Wash hands and be safe as you can. The high risk are staying home. This will not go away over nite so open up and move on. Not to many people can live like this. Especially in ca.

I though the live press conference on facebook was a joke too. Now, they are just gonna re-evaluate every two weeks simply they do not know the date when it gonna end. We asked many time to give us the date to end the SIP the CCC just dose not care to give us the date. All they are doing is screwing with our life.

I understand other counties are reopening and wish CCC would reopens as well.

we are tired of being stuck at home for no reason for just no reason. There gonna be more protestors out there and people gonna file a lawsuit against the county I wonder how well that gonna work????

Of courses we all want to enjoy life wanna go visit friends and family but CCC not allowing us to do so.

I think the CCC will continue to give us garbage until there a vaccine that how long we got to wait.

Instead of ending the SIP and instructing business to limit the number of people in the store, wear mask and social distance and reevaluate every two weeks they continue to shut them down. All this does is cause people to rebel and say the hell with mask and social distance and in a sense make things worse.

Let backpedaling without mirrors commence.

Give it a few days.

The title is incorrect. There is a date: November or a citizen revolt, whichever comes first.

Yes, we can “social distance”, and yes, we can wear masks, wash hands, disinfect our environments and not touch our faces. But what we cannot do is further stop our lives and our livelihoods. While our political “leadership” place “protective measures” against law abiding citizens, take our jobs, and our means of supporting ourselves while allowing criminals free from jails and prisons to keep them safe from the feared COVID. Am I the only one seeing a problem with this?? This is just BS!
Open our community please! We are (mostly) responsible adults!

And what happens if Covid-19 never goes away?

The spread of COVID-19, or any other pathogen, is determined by two things:

1. How dense the population is.
2. How dense the population is.

This is BS. We only went into SIP so we could slow the spread not eradicate it. That’s impossible to do. And, if my visit to the ER on Monday night is any indication hospitals being able to handle cases….we should be OPEN. 100%

We need to protest at the homes of these idiots!!
I’m NOT sheltering in place and I haven’t been since this started!!
I go where I want when I want. It’s my right!

This is so wrong to not have any end date. The default should be that we aren’t in a state of extraordinary emergency, and we can move about and work like free people. The burden of proof needs to be on those imposing extraordinary constraints on people. They should have to own the decision to extend an emergency order like this. Emergencies are special. They can’t be the default. It’s against good governance. I don’t think Farnitano is a bidding fascist dictator (lol) but there is a reason why the textbook move of autocrats is to declare a state of emergency and leave it in place.

Bay Area counties have 0.15% infection rate.

So 99.85% of the Bay Area is not infected & tests have been widely available now in the Bay Area.

But destroy the World’s 5th largest economy for 0.15th of a percent.

honestly, don’t comment back on this. i’m not looking for a fight. but i just want to thank all those who have done their part to SIP properly, as i have, because it’s kept an immunodeficient kid like me safe. much appreciated, stay safe & blessed. please know that i respect your right to be upset about this continuing situation and to live your life in whatever manner you deem fit.

Good. Wishing you the best.💝

Time to recall the CCC supervisors

I second that…the insanity has got to end! We the People are done with this cruel and unusual punishment.

You know what they call a doctor that got D’s in med school?


Guess he couldn’t find a real job.

Screw them. I’m tired of their BS.

You don’t pass college with a D.

Susan, apparently you missed the sarcasm.

Uh, sarcasm is funny when it makes sense but not and. It doesn’t, then it’s just strange.

CCHS will keep kicking the can down the road. If you think this SIP will end soon, think again. So they can just kiss my Ma**K! 😷

I dont see an official press release stating this… S he the press release where they state that they will be doing the Facebook lives but that’s it

Wait. What? What does that even mean? If businesses and restaurants beaches and parks start opening up. We will go to them. So?
I’m just kind of confused.

The pandemic has gone on long enough. And it is still going on. It is still contagious and deadly. It should never have gotten this far but it has. If you want to follow the odds like a gambler you listen to the doctors. You might get lucky at beating the odds but remember you are playing you bet your life.

Ask yourself what is the smartest thing to do.

go outside, get exercise. wear a mask in close quarters. both things that the officials have recommended against at various times during the pandemic.

the smartest thing to do is to not be a government sheep.

What really bothers me is the mission creep. The original SIP was so that hospitals and medical facilities could keep up with people that needed treatment. Clearly we have accomplished that goal as our hospitals sit mostly empty and the temporary hospitals have been removed. Now, those “in charge” seem to only want to lift the SIP when there are no infections or when a “cure” is found….that is not reasonable or logical. The good people of California have given over two months of theirs lives to this SIP. I really think it is time to take a hard look at what is realistic and what just doesnt make any sense. Let’s not assign blame or name call, lets just make the needed corrections and get on with our lives.


This is what happens when the Government thinks it is in charge. The Declaration of Independence states: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.–Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government.

I rest my case.

I’ll be out catching halibut and striper this weekend. Sorry!

This SIP crap has gotten entirely out of control. I fear violence coming. Something along the lines of political assassinations, cops getting shot trying to enforce draconian rules while the public loses everything, or civil uprisings like riots.
I can see a scenario where, after we completely reopen, some small business owner who has lost everything, including his marriage, goes postal on some government office building ala Timothy Mcveigh.
How much longer can this go on before…..well you know what I mean. I just hope I don’t get affected by it.
So, I think I’ll just hunker down here at home where it’s nice and safe. Sarcasm intended.

There will be violence, at times it is certainly required (as admitted bu our founding fathers) so the government remembers who they SERVE.

Apparently “Flatten the Curve” has turned into “Find A Cure”. I know the doctor is doing his best but that FB live event made me feel like the county health department is pretty bad at reading the room right now. People are mostly done SIP and throwing us a bone once every two weeks (now you can play singles tennis! But no doubles) is not cutting it. Refusing to put a date or any specifics on things at all is just not acceptable.
Please shift the conversation from “don’t do that” to “here’s how to do things that lower your risk “. I’m all in favor of lowering risk. I’ll wear a mask and avoid crowds. But all of these “we’ll see”‘s are starting to feel like I’m a child asking for a treat. You’re starting to lose even your supports, county health department!!

Trump beat them at their own game. The Bay Area is just trying to save face. They wanted the country locked down with the economy destroyed..forced vaccines..mail in votes..bash Trump to try and push the establishment back in power..not happening..big changes coming to California

Denise posted the following yesterday. Be heard. Attend the meeting.

NEXT MEETING CCC Board of Supervisor THURSDAY @ 1PM.
Join Zoom Meeting: https://atttrials.zoom.us/j/98599450043
Meeting ID: 985 9945 0043
Dial in: USA 312-777-1449; USA 888-331-6293 (US Toll Free)
Conference code: 918542

Also, the email addresses for all FIVE supervisors are:

john_gioia@supervisor Andersen@bos.cccounty.us
SupervisorMitchoff@bos.cccounty.us (Glover)

Attend the meeting. Come prepared to give a public comment. Go check out the link for all the details. If you can’t attend, email all the supervisors, be sure to address the one for your district first and copy the others. Be heard. You won’t be unless you make noise.

Enough, enough, enough!

This is ridiculous!! I will not stand by any more; even John Muir has said the time to open back up is now! They are NOT strained by COVID-19; and at risk groups can continue to take precautions. This is ludicrous!

I thought Covid-19 was supposed to go away with the heat. So two days over 100 isn’t going to do it? Do we need 10 days of 105+

I wonder how much money County Health will be losing in their budget? Will they even be able to afford the Health Officer’s salary?

He may want to open the county back up to preserve not only his employees but his own paycheck.

Absolutely ridiculous! So they have extended past the 60 day limit stipulated in the CA ESA as well? Newscum abolished the limit as his first action after he declared the emergency, but the counties need to abolish it as well, or they are in violation of the ESA.

I will continue to go out. I will continue to violate this prison sentence that this piece of crap is trying to dish out on us. I will not comply with this. I am tired of seeing business fail because of this. I am tired of the suicide, abuse and other crime rates increase because these STUPID people do not have a CLUE!

As already stated, 0.15% of entire bay area shows a current infection …. so to save the 1 or 2 lives, we are going to watch hundred die to suicide, business closures and the increase in homeless.

Wish they would allowed restaurants to open their patios at least,Someone called the cops on us on Sunday For having 4 tables opened
Small restaurants owners are having a very hard time

@ Maria – sorry you had to deal with that. Where is your restaurant?I would like to support you. It is a shame that somebody else would care more about their political view and put you out of business while they hide like a snake.

I wish there was a way to let people know this was happening to you . It would be a different story if there would have been a hundred people in front of your restaurant supporting your right to make a living while keeping people safe . We need to support each other and open up our economy ourselves . We don’t need the government for permission . There is nothing they can do if we all stick together for freedom !!

There were 109 deaths in CA today, of those 84 were in only five southern CA counties Los Angeles, Riverside, San Diego, Orange and San Bernardino.

Given mental stress being placed on families, breadwinners and head of households at what point are prudent steps going to cause more damage to families and a greater loss of life than virus in our county?

A question, is state still $$ incentivizing eldercare / nursing care facilities to take CV-19 patients who do not require hospitalization? Are steps being taken to protect our elders who are in high density care facilities, in which is said over 40% of deaths in our state have taken place?


All of the sheep voted for these people. All of the sheep voted for the Democrats. All of them voted for big government.

You got exactly what you were asking for. This is the most asinine abuse of power I have ever seen.

End date is November 3rd 2020 this is becoming clear.

GREAT, just in time for the next flu season…

If 30% of the country is out of work, shouldn’t 30% of government workers be laid off? 30% was the last figure I heard, don’t know if that’s true. It seems to me that if we SIP until let’s say, October, will there a country to come back to? that’s the reality of it all.

Of course not. Government deems all government employees are “essential.”

Oh, you make a good point, essential like liquor stores and MJ dispensaries he said: makes one wonder doesn’t it. I guess I am just frustrated but still concerned….

I reached my END DATE long ago and it is in effect now.

What shelter in place( jokes) my job has been busier then ever..people just been out and about blowing that unemployment and stimulas checks. No one seems to locked.down against their will ( you can literally still leave your house). Just seems lile this os.a great opportunity for those who have to.complain about anuthing REALLY let it out

Now you know why Slick is mailing out ballots to ALL residents this year.

Well…. here it is… Groundhog Day…… again…. and again… and…

Time to fight back and investigate these officials, we cant trust the government to do so, , with no stats to support the endless lockdown. the county will be needing to fight back soon…some want an FBI investigation, but who will investigate them? I am sure the other Bay Area Counties maybe experiencing the same thing. I do think there needs to be an investigation into these officials now…something is not making sense and even the mask shamers are starting to question why. Its time everyone. WE ALL NEED TO START ASKING QUESTIONS. The small businesses will all be gone soon, thanks to our elected officials. Not thanks to covid. Those numbers do not support this. Btw..how many have died from the flu (the yearly seasonal?)

Their own data.

“Data from the U.S. Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggests that the novel coronavirus’s true fatality rate in the United States, which takes into account mild and asymptomatic cases, stands at 0.26 percent, about eight to 15 times lower than earlier mortality rate estimates of between two and four percent, which prompted the lockdowns.“

By my calculations, there are fewer than 2 coronavirus infected persons per hospital (on average) in Contra Costa County today. Meanwhile, at least 1,250 people should have been diagnosed with cancer during this same period. The same principle applies to heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure.

A true, science-based analysis, minus the coronavirus sex guide, would indicate that the so-called cure is worse than the disease!

Should read, “There are fewer than 2 coronavirus patients hospitalized, per hospital in Contra Costa.”. Sorry.

and now that the CDC does not recommend masks unless you are caring for the ill……whats CCC’s excuse besides pure control? TAKE OFF YOUR MASKS PEOPLE https://nypost.com/2020/05/28/healthy-people-should-wear-masks-only-if-caring-for-coronavirus-patients-who-says/?fbclid=IwAR0o-3tiO2lUVAMamBX5ASZwnBuKc0c4HG7kX0sHFIdhCjcaUJXVckiEFLk



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