Home » DAILY UPDATE: 1,353 Confirmed Cases Of Coronavirus (212 Active Cases) In Contra Costa County – 17 More Than Yesterday (1,104 Recovered)

DAILY UPDATE: 1,353 Confirmed Cases Of Coronavirus (212 Active Cases) In Contra Costa County – 17 More Than Yesterday (1,104 Recovered)


Contra Costa is now reporting 1,353 confirmed cases of coronavirus in the county, which is 17 more than yesterday.

1,104 people in Contra Costa County with COVID-19 have fully recovered.

There have been 37 coronavirus-related deaths in Contra Costa.


Currently, the county has 212 active cases of COVID-19.

Below is a city-by-city breakdown of coronavirus cases for Contra Costa County:


RELATED STORY FROM MONDAY: 1,336 Confirmed Cases Of Coronavirus (207 Active Cases) In Contra Costa County – 15 More Than Yesterday (1,092 Recovered)


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Bless the fallen and the families. Even as we open up do your part to bring peace and comfort to those around you. Don’t insult people for wearing masks or not wearing masks. Give people personal space to interact at the level that’s comfortable to them. Help out the less fortunate if you can. We have all been through this event together, we will all prevail if we all treat each other with respect and kindness.

15 people in the hospital in this county DOES NOT constitute a threat so dire that it justifies the destruction of our businesses, our economy and the incredible take of our freedoms. That’s under 2 patients per hospital, BTW.

Let the immune-compromised and the elderly shelter in place, and the frightened cower-in-place as long as they wish. But for me and my house, we want our Liberty back now!

Dose not look like a good sign for reopening the entire state. we still did not hear whether there will be an extension or chance of reopening the whole thing.

The curve is very flat. Why are we still in lockdown. Is it because the goal posts keep moving?


The goal post is the November election. It’s fourth down and the team that is behind is trying to slow the clock down so the economy shows less recovery at election time.

It’s a flawed strategy.

Here’s a summary of the cases by age group for the past week.

Age 20 or under increased by 30 cases which is 18.6% of the total increase.
Age 21 to 30 increased by 32 cases which is 19.9% of the total increase.
Age 31 to 40 increased by 29 cases which is 18.0% of the total increase. There was 1 death in the past week in this age range.
Age 41 to 50 increased by 29 cases which is 18.0% of the total increase.
Age 51 to 60 increased by 23 cases which is 14.3% of the total increase.
Age 61 to 70 increased by 13 cases which is 8.1% of the total increase.
Age 71 to 80 increased by 4 cases which is 2.5% of the total increase. There was 1 death in the past week in this age range.
Age 81 to 90 increased by 1 cases which is 0.6% of the total increase.
Age Over 90 increased by 0 cases which is 0.0% of the total increase. There were 2 deaths in the past week in this age range.
The total increased by 161 cases. There were 4 deaths in the past week.

The age 71 to 80 group had been successful in avoiding COVID-19 for the past couple of weeks. There was one new case on 5/20/2020, another on
5/24/2020, and two more on 5/25/2020.

Thank you very much for sharing this information it is very illuminating and the reason everyone should think about sheltering in place. It shows that even someone in their 30s and passed away from this virus. It also shows me that sheltering does seem to be working.

WC forgot one important number:

1.1million people / 37 dead = .00003 % overall deaths in Contra Costa County.

Also, very illuminating and the reason everyone should think about saving what’s left of your civil liberties and the economy if it’s not too late.

.00003% vs 100% dead economy. Hmmmmm.

@WC Resident

A big Thank You for breaking out the stats for us. Sonoma County gives a breakdown by ethnicity.

@Patriot – math does not seem to be your strong point. For starters, it’s 0.003% and not 0.00003% You should use Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. 37 divided by 1,100,000 and format it as a percentage.

You must not be in the Claycord area. People and businesses are learning and adapting SARS2 resulting in the economy steadily improving. I know it must be sad for you to be in an area with a 100% dead economy.

@RTC – CC County reports cases and deaths by ethnicity and race. See https://www.coronavirus.cchealth.org/dashboard

I have not been tracking the data for ethnicity or race and so can’t report on anything that’s not already on the dashboard.

I see that a new dashboard has been added for homeless people at https://www.coronavirus.cchealth.org/homeless-dashboard

@Contra Costa proud:

If you think the lockdown was intended to reduce the death toll, you’ve been misinformed.

This is the left’s Iraq War. Leading up to the 2008 presidential election you could not find a TV, newspaper or news radio program that did not pound Bush over the Iraq War. The war was front and center 24/7. Everything was about the Iraq War and Bush’s “failures” over there.

And then 5 nanoseconds after Obama was elected news coverage of Iraq disappeared from the media. You could not find a story about Iraq on US news if you wanted to. You had to go to foreign sources.

One second the Iraq War is the most important issue in our time and the next it was as if the war never happened, insomuch as it popped up from time to time if the media could use it against Bush.

This is the left’s Iraq War. They want us to feel the pain until Biden is elected. And when that happens, all the states will open up immediately. It’s guaranteed.

So, it’s up to us to take our state back and demand we open 100%. As an overweight Boomer with high blood pressure, I don’t expect it would end well for me if I get the China Flu, but this lock-down must end immediately before more California families lose everything.

There’s a bigger picture here: our country is not the only place dealing with this, and having disagreements about shutdowns and such. It’s a global thing, and not just about the election here. It dominates the news all over.

On the other hand, politicians gonna politick. They are all trying to frame things in a way that helps their electoral and policy goals, for sure. Newsom wants to come out of this as the great political savior and progressive game-changer. “Never let a crisis go to waste.” But just as when Rahm Emmanuel said that, sometimes there really is a crisis. We have to acknowledge reality and resist the political games and encroachment. Walking and chewing gum. We can do it.

This is some bogus stuff your saying. Simply not true at all. There was considerable coverage of the Iraq War during the Obama years. US news coverage is archived on YouTube, can be found through archive.org, or through other online searches. It’s not hard to find US news coverage of the war from Obama’s 8 years in office.

Along with news about the war in Iraq and the elections in Iraq, there was also coverage of the leaked documents regarding the Iraq War, there was coverage of anti-war protests, coverage of senate debate about the war.

So what does a ‘new case’ mean. Are they really sick, mildly sick, or just tested positive. I have seen no new deaths related to Corona for the last 3 weeks, unless some reporting is being dropped ( surprise there ). Sounds statistically normal for me to usual mortality in the County. Numbers/causes of other deaths in the county during the last 3 months please, and I mean complete and verified causes, not some bureaucrats guesses.

@Sam that was very well said.
It is very nice to see that Contra Costa County is doing a great job in protecting Our neighbors. And it is very sad for all those that have lost loved ones in this situation, my heart goes out to them and may their love ones rest in peace.
It is never nice to be sheltered in place for as long as we have however it would be very hard to imagine what might have been had we not SIP. Also for those that go out just remember to protect your elderly loved ones and those that have immune disorders, as I know you will. Also remember that some people that are not in either of these categories have passed away so please be careful

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I see just about 50/50 split so we will see how long that lasts. I find it hard to believe businesses will be able to survive if customers take a hardline on it. Should be interesting

I’m in favor of opening more at this point. But I don’t get the anti-mask stuff. It would be AWESOME if masking up in public indoor spaces kept the spread slow and we could otherwise go about our lives. (Like Japan has, btw. Some school closures but otherwise a soft set of policies; virtually everyone wears a mask and they voluntarily avoid transmission.) That would be a big win for liberty, imo. Whereas if we open up and people are too ideological to take voluntary precautions, we could end up with a new SIP coming down this winter. Let’s do the non-repressive stuff, do our part voluntarily in reasonable fashion, and resist the blunt instrument approach and push back on overreach.

That’s the whole issue here. There is no uniform “reasonable fashion”. What’s reasonable to you may not be to someone else. Everyone has the freedom to choose based on a wide assortment of “facts” or beliefs. I personally won’t wear a mask for 1 second longer than required to procure sustenance. That being said I find it easy to stay 6 ft or more away from strangers. We now see solid facts about what this virus is and more importantly what it is not. I will guarantee we will never SIP again regardless. We have restocked our supply of PPE, we are cranking out ventilators, building factories for medication production. We have all but severed ties with china and reduced our reliance on them for essential medical supplies. We are in a much better position to remain open while battling any virus. The whole reason to SIP was due to uncertainty in the supply chains and china making power plays. Won’t happen any longer. Our health and safety was sold out to communists, putting us in a vulnerable situation. That never should have happened.

@ Sam

In what world is wearing a mask in public unreasonable? It is so easy.

Staying 6ft away from people is great, but that should be complemented by wearing a mask in public. You don’t leave your seatbelt off just because your car has airbags, do you?

I hope you are right that we will not have to shelter in place again, and furthermore, I think your thoughts on uncertainty of supply chains ring true as reasons we may not have to shelter in place again.

I also hope that Claycordians see how valuable redundant safeguards (social distancing, public mask-wearing, handwashing, etc) will be in restoring economic stability, and are active participants and proponents of those safeguards.

Personal space and cleanliness have been on a decline for years. I don’t wear a mask because it’s silly. Masks are only recommended if 6ft distancing can not be achieved. Not sure why people get off telling others what they should do.

as of 05/26:

1,353 confirmed cases (CCC) with 37 deaths = 2.73% death rate.



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