Home » DAILY UPDATE: 1,014 Confirmed Cases Of Coronavirus In Contra Costa County – 15 More Than Yesterday – 5 More Leave Hospital

DAILY UPDATE: 1,014 Confirmed Cases Of Coronavirus In Contra Costa County – 15 More Than Yesterday – 5 More Leave Hospital


Contra Costa is now reporting 1,014 confirmed cases of coronavirus in the county, which is 15 more than yesterday.

There have been 29 coronavirus-related deaths in Contra Costa.

Below is a city-by-city breakdown of coronavirus cases for Contra Costa County:


RELATED STORY FROM THURSDAY 999 Confirmed Cases Of Coronavirus In Contra Costa County – 14 More Than Yesterday



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Only 3.2% of the people tested over the past seven days have tested positive. And yet our county is locked down more tightly than LA County, the major hotspot in California.

I never understood why people don’t understand why we are on lock down even at a small number. You have to understand that IF we ease up on this. The infection rate will skyrocket and deaths will go up. Just because we only have 15 or so per day. That is being counted as people getting tested. Not people who don’t know they have it yet. Even wearing masks will still cause this to go out of control.


Yes. But we must stay locked up until, I don’t know. Where are the goal posts now? Zero new cases? A vaccine?

Once again, the same five locations in Contra Costa account for 13 of the 15 new cases. Is our heath department doing any mitigation in these cities (Richmond, Antioch, Concord, Brentwood, and San Pablo)?

Richmond, Antioch, and Concord are the three largest cities in the county; the only ones with populations over 100k.

Good news. Let’s get some *gradual* opening now, please.

Open the water park. No virus can survive the chlorine and sunshine

Waterparks are breeding grounds for all sorts of different illnesses, especially when not maintained properly (like the good majority of them nowadays).

@Sam….COVID 19 would be the least I’d be worried about in a waterpark, they’re just a giant nasty concrete petri dish.

Open the water parks? You do understand that this virus can live in the air for hours right? Sunshine doesn’t kills this right away. Still takes a little bit of time. What if someone coughs or sneezes right next to you?

It is my understanding that 2/3 of the cases in Antioch and Brentwood are related to two nursing facilities and workers who traveled between the two. Similar to the police report, let’s get more detailed info. Not giving good data is not helpful. How did unelected health officials in six counties get to overstep elected officials? And i am not a Newsom fan …we went from flatten the curve, to conserve PPE, to don’t overwhelm the hospitals, to herd immunity to vaccinations?!? I will be smart, but take my chances.

OPEN CALIFORNIA NOW – Rally at noon, Saturday, May 9, in San Francisco. Here’s the details: https://wehaverights.com/san-francisco

“All people are required to maintain CDC guidelines for prevention”. That certainly didn’t happen in the last round of protests that happened, from the footage I saw.

The website has conflicting information. It says: “Wehaverights.com is not the organizer of events listed on the site”. While the specific page link you listed sure makes it sound like they are with phrases like ‘Our goal… We want…” and so on. So are the persons behind this page the organizers or not? Who are the people behind the page, there’s no info listed. How would anyone even know if the organizers showed up or not, or stayed home while sending people out on a lark?

Uh…. Why is the rally being held in SF? Gavs lives in Sacramento now. The politicians in SF don’t give a damn about anyone but themselves so the rally will fall on deaf ears.

as of 05/08:

1,014 confirmed CCC cases with 29 deaths = 2.86% death rate

@Kauai Mike, Death rate is much, much lower since there are so many cases unconfirmed. Not sure why you are so determined to keep mentioning a death rate that is totally meaningless.

I wonder how CCHealth is going to justify keeping this lockdown going when we have 0 people in the hospital with COVID? Can’t wait to find out!



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