Home » DAILY UPDATE: 999 Confirmed Cases Of Coronavirus In Contra Costa County – 14 More Than Yesterday

DAILY UPDATE: 999 Confirmed Cases Of Coronavirus In Contra Costa County – 14 More Than Yesterday


Contra Costa is now reporting 999 confirmed cases of coronavirus in the county, which is 14 more than yesterday.

The county has also confirmed there have been 29 coronavirus-related deaths in Contra Costa.

Below is a city-by-city breakdown of coronavirus cases for Contra Costa County:


RELATED STORY FROM WEDNESDAY: DAILY UPDATE: 985 Confirmed Cases Of Coronavirus In Contra Costa County – 16 More Than Yesterday



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It’s surprising that the county reported only 267 tests performed yesterday. That’s less than half the number for any of the previous three days.

At the end of May it will probably look the same as what it does now around the county. Then what?

I think that would be great news and proceed to open things up more. However if the numbers are worse we should reverse course.

Looks like the curve has flattened.

Concord is holding steady at 94 cases (72 per 100,000).

Gov. Newsom, Let my people go!

as of 05/07:

999 CCC cases resulting in 29 deaths = 2.90% death rate.

Well the total number of infected is likely, on the low side, off by a factor of 10. Influenza isn’t ready to give up its crown yet it’s starting to appear.

Negative kaui Mike. It would be 2.9% if there were only 999 cases in total. The 999 cases are only the confirmed cases. We don’t know how many unconfirmed cases there have been. These statistics show us the very worst possible death rate not the actual death rate which in reality is MUCH lower.

My co-worker came to work on a Monday feeling fine, “they” called in sick on Tuesday. Got Tested for Covid-19 on Wednesday, positive results received on Saturday. Monday health department notified us of the positive results. We Called the co-worker to see how “they” were doing and “they” said “they” were surprised that “they” got a positive result because by Saturday when “they” got the call with the results ALL symptoms were gone and felt as if “they” were ready to come back to work. “They” live in a house with 9 other people and “they” were the only one who got sick. It’s been a week and no one else has yet to show any symptoms. The people in the house range in age from 3 to 80 something. FYI “they” was used in place of he/she.



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