Home » DAILY UPDATE: 985 Confirmed Cases Of Coronavirus In Contra Costa County – 16 More Than Yesterday

DAILY UPDATE: 985 Confirmed Cases Of Coronavirus In Contra Costa County – 16 More Than Yesterday


Contra Costa is now reporting 985 confirmed cases of coronavirus in the county, which is 16 more than yesterday.

The county has also confirmed there have been 29 coronavirus-related deaths in Contra Costa.

Below is a city-by-city breakdown of coronavirus cases for Contra Costa County:


RELATED STORY FROM TUESDAY: 969 Confirmed Cases Of Coronavirus In Contra Costa County – 22 More Than Yesterday



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They are still working on a reliable viral and antibody test for covid-19…..

Wait what..it can’t be true.. they have all these numbers though..surely they must have a reliable test

@Sam – There are two different kinds of tests. One of them can be used to see if you have COVID-19 at the present time. It’s fairly accurate. I believe all or nearly all of the confirmed COVID-19 cases that the county reports are from this style of test.

Unfortunately, testing capacity with this style of continues to be very limited and the test can’t tell us if someone has already had and has recovered from COVID-19.

Early on doctors were ordering the test for immediate family members and other exposed to a likely COVID-19 patient. That overwhelmed the testing system leading to up to two week delays in getting the test results back for patients where the results were critically needed. That’s why doctors are now only testing those where it’s quite certain the person has COVID-19.

At present we have the capacity to test about 500 people per day in Contra Costa county.

The other test is generally called the antibody or serology test. It can show if someone already had and has recovered from COVID-19. It can’t detect someone that’s in the early stages of COVID-19. Unfortunately, these tests tend to be unreliable and are wrong between 0.5 to 5% of the time. The high error rate means the test can’t be used to diagnose an individual patient. It’s useful for population surveys.

Kaiser has a web page about both styles of tests at https://mydoctor.kaiserpermanente.org/covid-19/testing

Sam, sometimes I think you are just angry and use this as a platform to make generalized, angry statements.

I know dan. You will use anything you can to denounce someone bringing up free speech and the constitution. It’s in your playbook. I’m not angry at all. It must make you uncomfortable always being called out on making subversive commentary.

WCResident not sure your characterization of testing is correct. If tests are given only to those where doctors are pretty certain of infection, why are only about 4% of those tested coming back positive? I think many more are being tested now with Countywide test locations as well.

@WCreaker – Most of the tests are used for survey screening of essential workers that have had direct contact with possibly COVID-10 infected people. These would include ambulance and fire crews, possibly law enforcement, etc.

Unfortunately, the county has never reported on how many of various groups are tested and the resulting rates of COVID-19 infections.

There is some good news on the testing front in that 620 people were tested yesterday. That’s a new record for the number tested in one day for CC county. Again though we don’t know if those tests were to confirm suspected infections or survey screening.

The antibody test is used to determine if somebody had the virus, not if they have the virus. The only value in the antibody test is for academic studies to determine how wide spread the virus is within the community. Those studies, like the ones performed by USC and Stanford factor in a margin of error.

Is there documentation (not your opinion) that the test to see if you currently have the disease is inaccurate? Please keep in mind no test is 100% perfect.

@dan – once we know if immunity lasts if someone has recovered from Covid, antibody tests will become important for individuals so they don’t get an unnecessary vaccine.

@chucks wife That goes against the narrative. The only thing that can fix the virus is a vaccine. We just need to accept the new normal until the vaccine comes out. Your selfish and possibly racist and definitely want to kill old people if you think otherwise or don’t want to breathe your own C02. God forbid you get enough oxygen for your brain to function.

@Chuckieswife – i agree. The other half of the equation is that the antibody test needs to become more accurate.

The summary of the unfortunate 29 deaths are:
17 people with ages of 81 or older
12 people with ages of 51 to 80
0 people under the age of 51

See: https://www.coronavirus.cchealth.org/dashboard near the bottom of the page.

Any paw paw fruits in California been tested? Heard they got the virus as well. Stay away from paw paw fruits!

@dan – once we know if immunity lasts if someone has recovered from Covid, antibody tests will become important for individuals so they don’t get an unnecessary vaccine.

Look what your Gov is doing Never let a crisis go to waste Show me your papers!


So I will need to hang up on them 3-5 times and ignore the letter. Got it!

That article says we are under no obligation to disclose the information, but what happens when you don’t? Are you put on the ‘naughty list’? They cannot say who contracted the disease because of HIPPA. I wonder if we will get any scam calls because someone calls you saying you were exposed … and then asks for personal information. How many people will get scammed?

Wait, I am sure these detectives have thought this out cause our little tyrant would not want us to get scammed, lose money, be unemployed and homeless. Wait … hmm …


Does anyone remember the movie Logan’s Run?

The Fearless Spectator, …
Remember Logan’s Run well.
I’ll raise you, Andromeda Strain and THX1138.


Hey Ozzie! And popcorn, and Hanna, and Natalie, and John P and all of the rest of you crazies…
Your darling Cuomo announced that more than 60 percent of the newest hospitalizations in NYC have come from people who stayed at home!! The farce is cracking, the blue state governors are feeling the heat. Free us now!!

Not because his modeling was wrong though. Just because he couldn’t go without a little lockdown action from his girlfriend.

How was the professor a Marxist? Or is it is a case where he is Marxist just by being a professor?

His model which predicted 2.5 million deaths was a model of what would happen if no mitigation efforts were made. The US did take mitigation efforts, which is why we don’t have that many deaths. He had another model which did predict far less deaths if precautions were taken.

He resigned because he had been caught violating his quarantine, not because his mathematical modelling had violated any particular ethics or norms.

SF has a massive economic disparity between the wealthy and the poor. It’s not Marxist.

Saw the story again tonight, homeless are pouring into SFO from surrounding areas, asking for a hotel room. They are setting up their tents on the sidewalks and the City is setting up portable restrooms.

OH, it gets better . . .
As if SF were not enough of a homeless magnet already.
Has been reported some homeless in SF hotel rooms are being furnished booze, Pot and methadone.

They could be creating another summer of love, without the Love, once the word gets out.

Not there yet, but getting closer to liberals’ ultimate Utopian Sci Fi fantasy land. Where money is free, nobody works and liberal governing elite make all your decisions.

“He resigned because he had been caught violating his quarantine”

Quite a polite way of saying he tested positive and broke quarantine, thereby exposing his married girlfriend, her husband and kids.

Ferguson’s models predicted that 65,000 would die from swine flu – no more than 500 died. He was on the team that convinced the British government to slaughter millions of farm animals during the foot and mouth outbreak without any evidence that the disease could be passed from one species to another.

If I thought he was capable of shame I’d be of the opinion he resigned out of shame over his professional ineptitude as much as, if not rather than, his infidelities.

He resigned because or an affair yesterday? But news just broke that his models, the ones Dr Birx and Dr Fauci used to shut the world down were a COMPLETE FRAUD. Mix in a bunch of false positive tests and bam there’s your asymptomatic variable. It’s the flu. It’s a hoax. It was meant to scare you into submission. Heads will roll!! Enjoy your mental enslavement. I’m hitting the road while the crowds are light and hotels are cheap.

I have a logical question for anyone who would care to answer. How many people in cc county. and how many people have had the virus that we know of. and how many people have died? And over how long a time. Just wondering……

That’s classified.

The charges will read: Conspiracy to defraud the United States of America

as of 05/06:

985 Confirmed CCC cases with 29 deaths = 2.94% Death Rate

Here we go again, Kauai Mike. 2.94% amongst CONFIRMED CASES. I know it’s a.lot more fun to assume that statistic is relevant, but it’s not. We have no idea how many people have or have had the infection, and it’s likely we never will. But by all means keep banging that drum.

There are/were probably tens of thousands of cases of COVID in CC County (most are/were not tested) making the death rate very low. Your ‘statistics’ are irrelevant and you’re invoking unnecessary fear to those who choose to believe the false data you’re posting.



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