Home » Above Normal Temperatures Expected On Thursday, Friday – Contra Costa County Could See 95-Degrees

Above Normal Temperatures Expected On Thursday, Friday – Contra Costa County Could See 95-Degrees


Temperatures in the Bay Area are likely to be hot Thursday and Friday, according to the National Weather Service.

The mercury is expected to rise 10 to 15 degrees above normal. Near the coast, upper 60s to mid-70s are forecast while the bay shoreline is expected to see temperatures in the mid-70s to mid-80s, weather officials said.

Interior valleys in the East, North and South bay regions will likely see the upper 80s to lower 90s, with the mid-90s possible in the warmest spots.


A cool-down is forecast for Saturday and Sunday. Rain is possible early next week.

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Probably Newsom fault right people?

He signed an executive order to suffocate us all in our masks because some did not obey and went to the beaches.

Imagine if Newsom went swimming at the beach. Clean Bay would have to clean up the oil slick from his hair.

I think we can cool each other down by blowing on each other with our…


And PG&E will be out lighting their first fires of the season.

Not at all.

The good news is California is getting a $247 Million refund on the $1 Billion mask contract our Governor made with China, due to non-performance.


Are you talking about those masks that funnel breath right into the faces of unsuspecting citizens?

No, he accidentally ordered the masks with a hole for a plastic straw.

First he tells us there was fierce competition from other states in securing the mask bid, but with his superior negotiating skills, he won it for the Nation-State of California!
Now that the deal is a mess, he tells us he bought the masks for $3 each when the feds paid $6. Yet they aren’t certified!

Which is it? I would prefer the truth.

Oh the mortification…….

@The Fearless Spectator..Hole in the masks for a straw?… I thought it was for a cigarette, I wondered why I was getting strange looks.

Looks like a good day to spend at the beach.



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