Home » DAILY UPDATE: 685 Confirmed Cases Of Coronavirus In Contra Costa County – 37 More Than Yesterday

DAILY UPDATE: 685 Confirmed Cases Of Coronavirus In Contra Costa County – 37 More Than Yesterday


Contra Costa is now reporting 685 confirmed cases of coronavirus in the county, which is 37 more than yesterday.

The county has also confirmed there have now been 19 coronavirus-related deaths in Contra Costa.

Below is a city-by-city breakdown of coronavirus cases for Contra Costa County:


RELATED STORY FROM FRIDAY: DAILY UPDATE: 648 Confirmed Cases Of Coronavirus In Contra Costa County – 17 More Than Yesterday – 3 More Deaths

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Why is your number of “new cases” always 3 more than the actual CC health website?

It’s because the county is doing constant minor revisions of older data. For example, today they changed the number of new cases for
03/13/2020 from 6 to 5 or -1
04/11/2020 from 9 to 8 or -1
04/12/2020 from 16 to 17 or +1
04/14/2020 from 19 to 20 or +1
04/15/2020 from 18 to 19 or +1
04/16/2020 from 13 to 15 or +2

The net result is three additional cases showed up that were not included in previous daily snapshots.

Claycord seems to be subtracting today’s total cases (685) from Claycord’s total cases for yesterday (648) and says there are 37 more cases. That’s a valid way to report the numbers.

The county’s “new cases” is the number of cases added yesterday. That’s 34 for 4/17/2020. That’s also a valid way to report the numbers. You add the 34 for 4/17/2020 plus the net+3 from revising previous days and you are at 37 which matches Claycord’s number.

The county likely will change the 34 new cases reported for 4/17/2020 up or down a little over the next few weeks.

Claycord’s value is they are preserving the daily screen shots of whatever the county reported for that day.

The good news is that the number of new cases has remained flat since March 25th. It shows that the current stay-at-home and social distancing practices are working. Hopefully, many people are catching COVID-19 but have such minor cases that they either don’t notice or it does not bother them enough to call a doctor.That’s giving us herd immunity.

A guy tests positive for Wuhan Flu and gets hit by a bus walking home from the lab. CCCHD: “He died of COVID-19.”

The COVID-19 is NOT a flu. Try to understand that this disease is a serious threat to every man, woman and child in the world, without a vaccine yet developed.

“Try to understand that this disease is a serious threat to every man, woman and child…”

And made to look even more serious every day by the way COVID-19 deaths are being tabulated.

No, he died because he looked up in a tree and saw a blue jay chasing a crow. He thought, “two corvid!” and died on the spot when hit by the bus. The “COVID” on the death report was a typo.

The flu is a threat to every man, woman and child on the face of this planet, too. We’re one miscalculation, one runaway mutation of influenza away from a virus capable of totally wiping out populations of young healthy people and that is apocalyptic. Yea the flu is scary, and dare I say scarier than covid-19, a disease in which a big chunk of people say “I had it and didn’t even know I did”.

You do realize that the common every day cold that we get can be caused by a coronavirus? You realize that SARS was caused by a coronavirus, right? Cause if you did, you would understand the likelihood of getting a vaccine is pretty thin! We do not have a vaccine for the common cold and people have been fighting that for a number of years.

You can check some of your basic household disinfectants and you will discover that many of them kill coronavirus strains, and have for years, because we have known about them for years.

check out the CDC, mounds of good info there … https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/general-information.html

What percentage of the daily new cases are from nursing home facilities?

When a big number of new cases are need (approximately every 3 days) test nursing homes and homeless communities.

Again, how many of those confirmed cases are actually symptomatic?

Seeing as it is still hard to get a test unless you are symptomatic, probably a high percentage.

ZERO more than yesterday in Claycord land. Good job, guys!

Same in the Creek.

@Ricardoh: Walnut Creek is Claycord land.

We need some warm weather to slow this virus down.

The problem with warm weather that some people do not believe the warm weather will actually help some do believes that there is help from the warm. If there evidence to show that the warm weather help slow the spread of the CV.

I do not know if this true however, my roommate was telling me that India have the lowest cast of CV due to their weaher is so hot.

So right now, people are confuse about the warm weather helping to slow the spread of CV.

Trump said it would be gone by now. Open up the country.

Really? The President cited a date certain by which the virus would be gone? Please provide the date he said it and his exact words, context included. I’ll wait here.

Rollo Tomasi -Trump did not an give an exact date. On Monday February 10, 2020 at a rally in New Hampshire Trump said.”A lot of people think that [the virus] goes away in April, with the heat, as the heat comes in. Typically that will go away in April.”

Right. So Ozzie’s lying again.

There are 7 cities in Contra Costa County that account for 53% of the confirmed cases. Maybe the CCHealth Dept. should concentrate on mitigation enforcement in those areas.

What Trump says, and what the virus does are two different things.


Danville back down AGAIN, this time to 20. How accurate are the other cities numbers?

US has 500,000 more confirmed cases than the next closest country. WTH

The bar chart shows most of the cases are with people 60 and younger. It’s clear this isn’t an old people’s disease. It would be interesting to see deaths by age as well.

Hurry up and get those sub standard respirators in from the low life Chinese company BYD. Approved by the FDA and Governor Newsome, 1 billion dollar deal. Yes, California will be its own nation for sure. Did they already deliver them on that bigger than life barge that docked here the other day? Oh, I sure hope so. We need to sell those respirators to get the economy going again! Oh, and we need to keep the people safe..

Trump isnt delivering any masks to State Governor’s so what’s your problem with the world’s 5th largest economy doing it on its own?

I guess you didn’t read the part where the masks are being validated in a lab in Utah and if they don’t meet specifications, our Governor can cancel the deal.

An excerpt from the HHS Vital Statistics Reporting Guidance:

“In cases where a definite diagnosis of COVID–19 cannot be made, but it is suspected or likely (e.g., the circumstances are compelling within a reasonable degree of certainty), it is acceptable to report COVID–19 on a death certificate as “probable” or “presumed.” In these instances, certifiers should use their best clinical judgement in determining if a COVID–19 infection was likely. However, please note that testing for COVID–19 should be conducted whenever possible.”

A death can be reported as a COVID-19 death without even a positive test. I’m sure this has NO effect on the statistics upon which public policy decisions are being made, right? Fortunately, there are physicians out there who are adhering to more exact, traditional standards in certifying causes of death.

I wonder how many of the 19 deaths in Contra Costa County actually tested positive? And how many of those deaths was actually caused by COVID-19/SARS2?
Dare we think that in public and question the US numbers … I mean, our mortality rate would go down … and the media/government can’t have that.

The higher the mortality rate, the more frightening it is. And a frightened populace is easy to control.

When (or if) an accurate antibody test is widely available, I’ll take it because I’d like to know how many people were infected with zero ill effects, let alone death. That will tell me a lot more about this virus than most anything else. Yeah, I’ll take such a test – unless it’s mandated. Then they can suck it.

Our career whore politicians and marginal public sector bureaucrats are incapable of making efficient and productive policy…Just look at the Oakland and Richmond public schools. They have no skin in the game (i.e. loss of income and savings). They have yet to clearly articulate the threshold that prompted 100% SIP vs. a SIP for targeted high risk groups. Annual mortality rates of drug OD, influenza, suicide, etc. could be reduced with 100% SIP. Admit it people, we have been duped by our incompetent government sector.

Literally every single Governor in this country has stated that they don’t have nearly enough nasal swabs, media kits to transport the swabs, or reagents to process testing.

The FDA has clearly dropped the ball. And the White House has clearly indicated that it doesn’t want to have anything to do with coordinating and supporting testing. They probably don’t wont to be held accountable should there be another wave of the virus rippling through the country.

On March 13th Trump announced that there would be a National Coronavirus Website where anyone could go and get tested and that great American companies like CVS, Walmart, Walgreen’s, and Target would be coordinating testing.

That was a total lie.

UCSF just announced that they have doubled testing capacity and can now process 2600 samples a day. They are happy to share its resources with California’s 58 health departments.



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