Home » Superintendent Of Public Instruction: It Appears Students Will Not Return To Campuses This School Year

Superintendent Of Public Instruction: It Appears Students Will Not Return To Campuses This School Year


State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond issued a letter today to the state’s 58 school superintendents, telling them it appears students will not return to campuses this school year.

Click on the image above to read the letter.

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As the mom of a wonderful teacher with an immunocompromised husband, thank you! Keeping kids safe as well❤️

This guy is an idiot. Never been a teacher, never been an administrator, is not credentialed by the State of California, but he thinks he knows what’s best for students, and what’s best for administrators…. he’s a lifelong politician, NOT an educator…

The same could be said about you, Newellian, but at least he has experts consulting him to make decisions while you downplay issues without fully understanding their inner workings or consequences. I suppose, however, each district should choose to listen to you instead, right?

I like your thoughts! Personally I think they should give this social distancing thing a chance before they decide in week 3 that we are not having school for the next 8-10 weeks … I mean, work on the problem before you give up. I thought that is what teachers should be sharing with their students. Work the problem

Imagine. Wanting to keep the public safe. It’s a recommendation at this time. Not a mandate. He is using his best judgement. If you had the welfare of thousands of people in your hands, would you be so selfless? He knows it’s not a popular decision. Not a political move. An educated decision for sure.

@Newellian – you are insane. If you have a death wish for yourself go ahead, don’t call the first responders or count on nurses or doctors. My relative is a paramedic in another state – every day calls on people with 104 degree fever, hacking up blood, gasping for breath. I’m looking at freaking Pence at a Walmart distribution center without mask, within spitting distance of others. It would be one thing if you were only going to kill yourself, but spreading this kills others.

@ Madmom
If he, and other politicians and new sources, wanted to keep the public safe, they would keep their mouth shut until they had FIRM information supported by actual data. He, and others, are instilling unnecessary panic and fear among the population. Will it be necessary to shut down the schools through the end of year, possibly. But do we know that today, NOPE! Not even close! So why share it with people? It is only causing fear, panic and anxiety. I know Seniors who are scared and anxious about school, graduating and how colleges will view this year. We do not know those answers …so shouldn’t they get some answers before announcing the possibility?

@ Commoncents
How is Newellian insane? How is it that they have a deathwish? They expressed their opinion on the politician, excuse me superintendent, who announced that they may close school through the end of the year.

Speak for yourself, buddy. The superintendent is making the best judgement call based on the data and the projections for how harmful this virus could be if people get back out into public too soon.
So I guess you would rather risk children going back to school sometime in May to finish the year thus exposing them to having another outbreak? Genius idea, man.
Sounds to me like you are encouraging kids to go out and play in the park, ignoring what our experts are saying.

So what will happen to all the seniors that are supposed to graduate? Will they be able to graduate on time and if so are they going to receive their diploma in the mail?

My guess would be Yes and Yes… Only time will tell…

Questions for you: The school district talks about online learning… Are you and/or your friends doing this? How and have you been in contact with your teachers?

What are all the student’s opinions on the online learning??????

I would ask you are you doing all the work assigned during this time? If yes congratulations and keep up the good work. You should be proud. If not, don’t worry about that at this time and please get to work. Your teachers miss you and are worried about you and your classmates. I’m sure over time you will get your diploma. We don’t know what will happen so I’m going to say. Stay inside and work hard. Stay hopeful we can get a grip on this and sometime in the future maybe you will walk . Good luck.

Dear student, Please don’t worry about the piece of paper. Your memories are what you will value more in the coming years. The transcript of your grades is what you need when you apply to colleges. You can get those. This is from careertrend.com: “Employers do not routinely require job applicants to prove that they have earned their high school diploma or GED.” I am in my 70s, have been subbing in your high schools since 2003, and I don’t remember anyone asking about a high school diploma. I’m sorry you are losing the fun part of your senior year in high school. This will make your 20th reunion more important and even better! Take care of yourself.

@S im currently only doing work for some classes and so are my friends. everyone opinion on this is that we would much rather do the work at school. teachers that barley assigned any work at regular school suddenly want to assign about 6 assignments per week. We don’t like that especially since a lot of assignments for each class is due in a day unless it’s a big project.

Keep a journal. In years to come, you will cherish the fact that you recorded this period of your life that was like no other anyone has ever experienced before.

MDSUD Student, Thanks for the answer; it was interesting to read.
Take care

‘I am writhing you today regarding the current state of affairs’

Daaa really?

First Newsome and now this guy …immediately after our kid’s superintendent has to send out a rebuttal explains to parents that this is not true and no one knows what is happening. It’s so wrong.

Idiot? No. Educator? No. Skilled Politician? Unfortunately Yes.

We received an email from MDUSD this morning regarding this. It clearly states this doesn’t mean the school year is over. The districts are working to expand remote learning. Considering how much they have accomplished, in a situation no one could have predicted, I think they are doing a great job. It’s up to the parents and students to get the work done. No work, no credit.

If hundreds/thousands of children got sick, people would fry this guy for not doing this. Six of one, half a dozen of the other.

One thing I know, is kids go to school, come home and get me sick all the time.

I believe that the students should finish out the school year when the virus has subsided.

The Education system has an obligation to teach subjects completely.

All coursed need to be completed.

I think this school year needs to be completed before next year’s studies can begin.

Premature judgement in my opinion. Just adding to the hype. Let’s take a wait and see attitude before jumping to conclusions. After all, this is only his opinion so far according to MDUSD superintendent.

Thank You, MDUSD for doing the right thing to protect all students and staff. If August is too early to open back up please postpone in order to save more lives. And, I’m sorry you have to deal with parents who have no common sense.

Do a search for the “Stay the Fu*k at Home” song (old guy on piano) and enjoy as much as I did. 🙂

it was classic

he is the scape goat

so when everyone goes ballistic like they are

they are not ripping Pelosi or newscum
or weiner or school system

he is fodder for the masses

use him for this to shield
politicians and their careers

so they can still run their games of corruption and scams


yet again your being manipulated by elected officials

who should actually be addressing you

not some lame duck that has water running off its back

Guys, just be prepared.

In an email from my supervisor in my school district-NOT MDUSD or any K-12, if we blow past May 3, the next target date is July 1.

What’s the purpose of this so called educated guess? We already have “a through May 1” date. Why instill more fear and panic into society? And why is our great governor is releasing murderers into the streets from prisons? Sure, they CARE about the people!

The 01 April response to this letter is at mdusd.org

People need to understand that at some point, the decision to suspend the school year has to be made. Currently, the shelter in place remains in effect until May 1.
I guess many are thinking that everything will then return (magically) back to normal, with tons of gatherings, parties, including the resumption of school activities and hundreds of students walking the school hallways.
Use some sound judgement. It is not going to be back to normal. There has to be a gradual return of activities…like some restaurants opening, stores opening,etc, etc .There could be a restriction of social gatherings limited to 30 people at most. Which means that schools reopening is out of the question.
In the meantime, do your best to keep your kids up with their assignments through distancing and keep them out of the parks!

School gets out at the end of May. The stay at home order is until 5/3. For those who think they should go back to school then, what, exactly, do you think they’ll be able to accomplish in 4 weeks, after kids have been out of school for 8 weeks? Even with at-home lessons routines have been disrupted and who knows what the kids are actually doing at home?

With what is happening right now, judgements and criticisms aren’t the answer to this. We just have to take time weighing things over. Opinions matters and should be respected. But along the way, whatever our differences are in terms of opinions, we all want the best for our kids. I go for social distancing and shelter in home for my kids safety and our family as well. This epidemic is not a joke, a lot of our frontlines have risk their lives. And we can not compromise our kids safety. We don’t know until when this Epidemic would end. The earlier we take action the better. Our kids are the future of our country. And I believe education isn’t just confined at the four corner of the school… we as parent can educate our kids at home… We just have to take full responsibility on it. True wisdom isn’t how much you know, it is how much and how well you understand, love and respect others. Just saying.. Spread LOVE not HATE and PRAY HARD. Everything will end soon, just trust the Lord.

It’s been happening across college campuses for the past few weeks. Kids have all moved home, classes for final term are on line and graduations have been cancelled.

For college some majors and classes have better transitions than others. Taking a statistics class in college could just as easily be done online. A class in public speaking or a biology lab is not going to go very well online. Also there is a question that if a student is going to an expensive school and taking an online statistics class, why should he/she be paying higher fees when DVC with the same information is almost free. This will be interesting to see what evolves.

There is a difference between college and elementary school. A 20 year old should be able to do many scholastic activities on their own and email them in. But what about the second grader, or kindergartener that is learning to read? Or the 5th grader working on science projects … that age bracket is very different, wouldn’t you agree?

Dear Parents, school gates open or closed, the learning process continues. Now is a good time to be your son or daughter’s personal “Sub”. Sub’s don’t teach or give out grades. My job is to get the student’s to focus on the work their teacher assigned. The over-achievers go above and beyond. The average students need a lot of prodding, but eventually they get there work done if you take away their iPhones, look over their shoulders every 15 minutes to make sure they are logged in, etc. And then you have the 10% who will eventually do some of the work, if any at all. Find out what your student’s assignments are and be the “The Sub.” If your child is an over-achiever, God Bless You. If your child is an average-achiever, God Help You. Step up to the plate, be The Sub, everyday.

You mean a teacher doesn’t leave you with a lesson to teach the kids? Only busy work?



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