Home » Expect Schools To Stay Closed Through Summer Break Because Of Coronavirus, Gavin Newsom Says

Expect Schools To Stay Closed Through Summer Break Because Of Coronavirus, Gavin Newsom Says


California parents and students should expect schools to stay closed through summer break as efforts continue to contain the coronavirus, Gov. Gavin Newsom said Tuesday afternoon.

“Don’t anticipate schools are going to open in a week. Don’t anticipate schools are going to open in a few weeks,” Newsom said during a news conference. “I would plan and assume that it’s unlikely that many of these schools, few, if any, will open before the summer break.”


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Newsome is stupid to make a prediction like this. He needs to take it one day at a time like the rest of us. What a moron.

I agree with you 100% that guys putting everyone in a huge panic, like you said day by day here that’s all we can do really. It’s really basic stuff wash your hands, common surfaces, doorknobs, keys,stirring wheel, microwave, fridge, light switches, its day 1 stuff PRACTICE HEALTHY Hygiene!

He’s dangerous and has an agenda. Beware!!

All your fussing is not solving the problem is it? Follow the rules and save lives. Do what Trump said! Stay in your nice living room. Ha ha!

Just because he can afford tutors for his spoiled rug rats, HAVE A MAID AND COURIER LIMO at his service. he puts a burden on struggling families without thought. and mocks the elderly like they are all incompetent and senile and cannot make decisions for themselves. He’s trying too hard to be President and ruin the U.S like he did SF

YES I have met the Newsom’s. family member was a close friend. Standing by my opinion. He has never thought of the outcome on his decisions.

How about colleges and universities!? There are those going to school full-time and need financial aid to complete their studies.

My university is offering all classes except for labs and theater online. We had 5 days to complete the transition. It’s my understanding that all colleges and universities did the same. We are offering advising online as well. I and a few colleagues I have talked to have extended the time available thru office hours and changed some assignments to fit the new format.

My university is in the same mode as Susan’s (maybe it’s the same one) and so far my classes are going well. I’m changing my exam format and some other adjustments, but the students are still getting the course material presented to them.

Aunt Barbara Have you met Newsom’s children? How do you know they are spoiled. your spewing of hatred without facts are very ignorant, Talking about burden on struggling families, the burden would be worse if a father and mother died. I’m senior, yes I can think for myself, but I would have showed up at my workplace (Macy’s) if they had not closed or giving us the option of staying home without it affecting our attendance. I neither incompetent nor senile, but in a an emergency like this we need the leader to set the tone, both Newsom and Trump (finally) are acting on the advice of experts. Judging from you post I doubt you have even read what the experts say. You just want to complain and criticize.

We are all being had. This little blip in time will result in so much government overreach, we won’t even remember what it was like before.

I have to agree,why would they just let things go back to normal when they see how easily they can hold everyone hostage,raise taxes and all prices,start giving out ration cards like we are in a war(we are),and make people sell anything of value just to get by,esp those that are maxing out their credit cards with wreckless abandon.Now only people with cash will survive,and that’s why everyone is buying guns.Banks will close and atm machines wont be restocked with infected currency.They will announce they need to burn all paper money and start over just to be safe.It’s for your own good.

You are a certifiable nut job. Every crisis is some conspiracy theory, always some big government plot. Get a grip and get some facts.

I’ll tell you what I used to tell my preschoolers…. don’t be scared be smart. Think about it. Conspiracy theory fear mongering is stupid and irresponsible. Do you really think that the American people are so weak that we would let that happen? Think about it.

This is insanity. This virus isn’t going to just disappear randomly someday, unless it’s some kind of huge hoax to shut down our system. I doubt that’s the case, so are we going to be in lockdown for the rest of our lives?

H1N1 survivor. It wasn’t even that bad.

You are doubting the wrong thing,rethink.

A world wide hoax killing thousands of people?

Who is behind his secret group to throw the world in turmoil?

There’s a special padded room for some of you.

I remember the POLIO scare, no swimming, etc and everyone rushing for the oral vaccine.I was small, but I remember the panic around town,
but it was nothing like this insanity!
We are already a recluse, unfriendly,depressed and anxious society on computers and phones all day, let’s not make it worse.

This is awful. This will negatively impact k-12 students for a lifetime to miss that much learning, and NO internet base remote learning doesn’t work as well. I am not even joking when I say that if it is that big of a deal please put the elderly and those with pre-existing conditions into quarantine camps for a year. Individuals under 20 are more at risk from flu than Coronavirus, and our future sorta depends on them being educated.

Just try to remove my grandmother from my home to put her in a “quarantine camp”. I can tell you now, I hadn’t considered buying a weapon before, but your comment has got me thinking about it now.

Yes. That worked well during WWII with the Japanese, right?

What an idiotic statement: ”putting all of the elderly in ‘quarantine camps“ …. REALLY? I’m just now falling into that category… I’m 63 and do have an underlying health condition. You just want to lock US up for the duration of this crisis, while you (whatever generation you fall into) continue walking around with your cell phones up to your faces while spreading this HIGHLY contagious disease like wild fire?
I worked for a Biotech company and have first hand knowledge how bad this is.
If you have kids and one of them gets head lice, not only do they spread this condition to other members of the family, the good old medicine you can buy over the counter to kill and get rid of the unwanted louse, it no longer works. The medicine NO LONGER works because these bugs have become resistant to the medication due to its over use; you now need to go to a speciality salon and they can get rid of the condition with a stronger pesticide’.
If you have dogs or cats, you know that the flea and tic medicines you could pick up at your local pet store NO longer works. Now it’s being made with other ingredients and stronger….because the fleas have learned to tolerate and survive on the old flea medication.
People who are hoarding and over using the hand sanitizer will contribute to germs becoming resistant to this. Some highly qualified scientists have said we will create a super germ that will no longer work with the hand sanitizer. Good old soap and water works better if you do it correctly. Many sites teach you how to wash your hands the right way. Not because they get a kick out of watching people counting to 20, or singing happy birthday, they know this works, because they have the tools to see what’s left after on your hands after comparing to other ways people are or think they are doing it right.
To Patti and Aunt Barbara, you think Governor Newsom has an agenda? This is why he’s shutting things down, because he has an agenda.
Oh and because he has a lot of money and people taking care of his rug rats, along with a courier limo, you think he’s doing this to purposely ”put a burden on us”? Do you think he got together with the rest of the world to screw you and I?
Do you know 𝘈𝘕𝘠𝘛𝘏𝘐𝘕𝘎 about a virus? Do you know 𝘈𝘕𝘠𝘛𝘐𝘕𝘎 about the words ‘HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS’? Do you think that Governor Newsom just made up stories about the NBA players that are daily popping up with the COVID-19, or the many passengers on a cruise the came up contaminated with this virus??
You sound like someone who doesn’t have ANY facts and just like to hear herself talk as if you do?
Back in 1917 a flu pandemic broke out and it’s estimated that 500 million People or one third of the worlds population became infected with that virus. The number of deaths worldwide was estimated to be
to be at least 50 million worldwide with 675,000 occurring here in the US.
Of course we have come a long way in the medical world, but this is to show you how a virus can run in society like wildfire.
Would you still want Schools, Gyms, Restaurants and other large gatherings around you to reopen soon, or think that this is a bad guy
who is burdening us if this was the “𝘉𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘨𝘶𝘦” or one of the other deadly outbreaks that have killed people all over the world?
So if you think this is some ploy just to piss YOU personally? Are you kidding me? This has absolutely nothing to do with someone who may or may not have money.
Believe me, they’re just as susceptible to catching this as well.
You just keep shopping and ignoring the severity of this. Ignorant and self centered people such as you, will continue going out; where you’ll go? Nowhere. Everything is closed…No Disneyland, no Disney word, no casinos open no traffic controllers at some air ports who have contracted the COVID-19 virus, the World is CLOSED.
Please keep you and your family home… REALLY. . . don’t spread this to me.

Family of educators here.
Susan I. Is correct. At the CSU & community colleges I work at we’ve all gone to distance learning on apps such as Canvas and Zoom, and are maintaining regular class and office hours online. Labs are suspended.

My spouse is an elementary teacher and unfortunately for parents the educational model will resemble homeschooling with teachers sending work and links electronically. Elementary education is not set up for distance learning in either it’s infrastructure or pedagogy.

One of our offspring teaches high school. Right now they’re following the elementary model, but could go to the strategies of higher education as they do have online tools, so they’re still sorting that out.

Finally we have another offspring who is a substitute teacher and sadly this one is SOL. Applied for unemployment Monday by mail as the EDD website and fax crashed because of high volume.

“I can tell you now, I hadn’t considered buying a weapon before, but your comment has got me thinking about it now.”

Now you’re catching on.

Holy epic rants, Batman. e.bunners just went off! Well said.

I didn’t say forced quarantine camps you dunderheads. If grandma wants to take her chances, so be it. If its SARS level bad for 65 plus but just a common cold/flu for everyone else… it doesn’t make sense to FORCE kids to lose a half a years in person learning. This is devastating! When I go out you know what age bracket is convening in high traffic public areas the most? 65+

We need kids in school especially those with learning challenges! We closed down museums, zoos, parks, music lessons, sports, extracurriculars… all so “grandma” doesn’t have to change her quality of life. Really I am upset at what they are doing to these kids.

Aunt Barbara, I feel for you if the only people you know are depressed, anxious and unfriendly. Perhaps a new group of friends would lighten you up a little. I have lots of friends, and belong to a social group with lots of members, and work at Macy’s. Most of my family, friends, acquaintance, coworkers and customers are neither depressed, anxious, or recluses. My daughter and her friends are in their late thirties and neither of them are what you describe, although I suspect the spend more time on their phones and those of that are of an older generations.

Are kids not in school going to stay inside or are they going outside and potentially socializing with other children? Doing so could endanger elderly persons in their household because of increasing hours of contact because the children aren’t in school, possibly causing the opposite effect politicians and bureaucrats are striving for.

For those parents working during shelter in place, Grandparents will become first line babysitters, again increasing hours of contact. An given the incubation period working parents themselves might become a problematic variable.

Really hope folks planning this have sat down, really considered all the variables and are not making knee jerk decisions.

You have made that identical comment word for word several times on many posts over the last few days.More alarmist ridiculousness.

Variables have to be considered and evaluated when planning a course of action. CA politicians and unelected bureaucrats don’t have an unblemished record. Their actions need to be well considered or situation could become worse.

Way to keep up the optimism, Slick

Huge disparity between the government class and the private sector worker. Most private sector workers are at risk of losing their jobs and do not get paid to shelter in place, while government workers have job security and still get paid.

The problem with our government ‘leaders’ is that they would rather over react now and apologize later. Newsome only does what is politically beneficial to him and his party. The economic melt down, loss of wages, and job losses, are just means to a political end. While we suffer the government class is insulated from the pain.

Substitute teachers are out of work. And for teachers who ARE working we’re putting in extra hours modifying our curricula for distance learning and dealing with 2am texts.

During regular times trolling and complaining is the order of the day, but these are not regular times, and some once acceptable behaviors are now counter-productive.

Saw an interesting post on my feed the other day. “Our government is not asking us to go to war, they’re asking us to stay home, and still people feel the need to complain about that.”

I am not dismissing the virus, but I am also just as concerned about what is going to be be left of our society and economy when this is over. So, I understand your concern in that regard, but what good does trying to scapegoat government workers do? Job security is often an advantage of a government job, though not guaranteed. There are disadvantages as well. Otherwise, it would be extremely difficult to get a government position, and it’s generally not. There are many positions, like teachers and police, that they are constantly recruiting for- due to a lack of qualified applicants. When this is all over, you should look into one of those jobs instead.

Why wouldn’t we wait till beginning of April and reevaluate?

Perhaps that’s the strategy. If the growth of the virus ends up being less than anticipated, the restrictions will be lifted sooner than expected. The stock market will rise like the Mississippi River, and the campaigning for the election will be robust. Or not…….

The best thing to do is stay positive, busy, and physically active. Take time to enjoy music.

It’s called expecting the worst and hoping for the best. This is a standard strategy.

I’ve heard this somewhere before….


Newsome is a moron


Jeff: Sorry for the dumb question…what does 108RS mean?

He is closing down the schools for education. But he is opening them up again for day care and food. This does not make any sense at all. He is encouraging people to gather again instead of isolating.

Newsome looks at this situation as a political opportunity for HIMSELF. Everything he say and does is designed to lift HIS ambition. Don’t be fooled. He never stops talking bs and it’s obvious he’s studied the mannerisms, tone, and delivery of Obama. Does anyone remember how he dodged debates for his election? I think they were scheduled on a Sunday at midnight..

He is a phony, never trust a man with slick backed hair.

And this won’t go over well either:
But Newsom grimly added that “we have the ability to do martial law … if we feel the necessity.”

Premature thinking at best from Gavin. Kids lose a lot in the way of learning with this much time off and in the process will drive their parents crazy.
If you want to contain this virus from spreading, then tell those stupid college students on early spring break to get their a$$es off the beaches in florida.

Idk why people just think it is the elderly who are at risk. My two teenage daughters have asthma and I have diabetes and asthma at 40 years old. It will be bad for thise of us with scarring in our lungs from asthma, smoking or COPD at any age. Kids who have been vaping have lungs the same as elderly too. We are taking it day by day hoping when we get it there is enough hospital staff, medication and rooms if needed. Hoping for the best but prepare for the worst, we went to our doctors and refilled on our inhalers and medications. And when April 8th rolls around and we all go back to work and school please know it is going to start again because one person with it and no symptom but at least this gives us stages of contagion amounts for our medical to help not like Italy where emergency rooms drs have had to decide which one of their patients to save or let die like in WWII. So Newsom and his team ary trying to figure out how to avoid this and are using numbers and info we have every day to figure out our future. Yes we need our payroll money and my clinic closed day before yesterday until at least April 8th and I’m a single mom. I applied for unemployment and you can too if your job has stopped. It took me about 25 minites to do it online. Praying for everyone that it stays away from you, your friends and family and for none of us to know anyone personally for which it is fatal.

It’s not just California or Newsom it’s happening all over the country.

Kansas has closed their schools for the res of the year and Texas has said the same thing as Newsom.

It is unfortunate the information is so poor for this outbreak and compounding it is over-reaction from some and compete denial from others. Some here say almost everyone will get it and there is a 3.4% death rate. Baloney on that one. The 3.4% number came from China and only counted those with obvious sickness, was measured in a place with famously bad health care, pervasive respiratory disease from air pollution and smoking, and so on.

The other side can point to studies that only 6 out of 7 infected even show symptoms and other studies showing a 0.7% fatality. If there is only a 0.7% fatality from the 1 out of 7 with symptoms, that is a rather low number. On the Diamond Princess ship, only 17% were infected, and of those there was fatality of 0.91% with a population much older than averages.

I do not know the right number. There are currently about 112 deaths in the US so far. For perspective, in an average year there are 38,000 deaths in the US from traffic accidents. I believe this is very serious, but also believe there is over-reaction, trolls, lying and opportunism. And do not discount the conspiracy theorists because some things scorned as tin-foil hat conspiracies actually turned out to be true.

I think the critics of Newsom is letting their dislike (or is hatred too strong a word) getting in the way of common sense. When other states and countries are doing the same perhaps it is time to take this seriously and admit the elected officials are doing their best based on advice from experts.

I’m not a Trump fan and thought his early handling of the situation was horrible, but I will give him kudos for finally acting like a leader and taking this virus serious. Does not mean I want him as President the next 4 years. It is okay to not be fan of Newsom and vote against him, and still give him credit for how he is handling this. Give the man a break, this is an unsettling situation for all us, is it really necessary to and constructive to be so hateful?

You have expressed my thoughts exactly. This is not a time to be hating our leaders! They are setting up ways to protect the public. This is going to be not easy for anybody but we will get through this scary time. I had to go out and get gas then I went to Safeway to buy a few things. That was risky behavior and the last time will go to the grocery store. Getting gas is ok. We must stay home. The worst is yet to come so hang on to your seats! Prayers for our sanity too. Yes no school for anyone right now except home school or online.

And don’t forget lottery tickets!

A sneaky invention designed to tax the poor……

What does school lunches and breakfast have to do with this virus, and do you know what amount percentage have money for alcohol, drugs etc, and not for food for their families? I know there are some, and it is disgusting, but there are honest and don’t do any of that, and really need and appreciated the free food. Even if the parents are irresponsible it is still help the children, and hopefully they will grow up to be responsible citizen.

I think your post is not appropriate at this time.

The children will continue the same cycle of irresponsibly that their parents have taught them.

HJ, please tell us English is a second language.

In other words…The children will learn the system…I speak from experience. I have relatives that continue down the same path generation after generation.

As a matter of fact it is. I was born, raised and educated in Denmark. I came here in the sixties and had only had less of 2 years of English in school. I then took some night classes in English, but other than that I’m pretty much self taught, although I did take several classes at a community college in the eighties and nineties. And how many languages do you speak?

All smart ass comments aside reading my post again I do see several mistakes, for some reason whenever I type on the computer I seem to make more mistakes than I normally would not. Guess I have to get better at proof reading. Thanks for letting me know.

Always here to help.


…and then there was Newsome

We all need to take a deep breath and get through the Corona virus…
But what concerns me is that after this is all said and done, Newsome will finish the job by taxing the rest of us to death to finance his personal programs…



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